Hi, I also have symptoms of leg sores, but they are mostly on outside of legs (calves and thighs) and a few on top of my feet only, and also on buttocks... recently I got a couple on each forearm.. they start as being just itchy... i scratch until they bleed or form a scab...
Rabbit Feet: Info on healthy bunny feet, calluses on rabbit hocks, and breakdown of skin into open sores on the bottom of rabbit hocks. This page addresses all this, and how to take care of sore hocks in rabbits. Under normal circumstances, those rabbits with at least a modicum of ...
One is placed on the back of the wheelchair, the other on the seat. ● HiTemp Wheelchair Arm Pads-pair (M125G): plush Medical Sheepskin under the arms of the client; provide a soft protective layer ● HiTemp Wheelchair Footplate Covers-pair(M126) protect and comfort bare feet ● Woolsk...
Apthous stomatitis, more commonly known as canker sores, are mysterious mouth ulcers that have plagued most people at some point in their lives. I say “mysterious” because it’s not totally known what causes these pesky painful spots on the inside of the mouth, although biting your cheek/i...
Strong's Hebrew 7272:1) foot1a) foot, leg1b) of God (anthropomorphic)1c) of seraphim, cherubim, idols, animals, table1d) according to the pace of (with prep)1e) three times (feet, paces) to the top וְעַד־(wə·‘aḏ-) ...