Sony is back with a more affordable option. The $900HT-A5000packs almost as many features as its more expensive sibling, but does so in a smaller, lighter, and more wallet-friendly form. At that price, it goes head-to-head with the$800 Sonos Arcand the newly released $900Bose...
Sony vs Sonos While Sony's products are available at many different price points to address a broader range of users, Sonos is a more premium soundbar manufacturer that generally produces more premium setups.Sonos barscome with built-in smart features like voice assistants, and they use psychoac...
索尼SONY HT-A8000 全景声回音壁 爆料人: 哑巴是老头 19:39发布 京东此款目前活动售价6490元,下单领取满5000减500元优惠券,下单1件,实付低至5990元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满5000减500元 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 实付5990元 京东38礼遇季,800元PLUS超级补贴叠国补,至高立减33%起,详情速...
The sound bar comes with a subwoofer and two rear speakers, making it a great option for those who want to create a true 5.1.2 surround sound system. The Sony HT-A5000 is a great value for the price, making it a great option for those on a budget. ...
索尼SONY HT-A9000 SW3 RS5 环绕升级套装 9.1.4 全景声 360智能穹顶 回音壁 家庭影院 电视音响 蓝牙 13990元 京东 02-17 15:35 0 -- 索尼SONY HT-A9M2 全景声无线家庭影院 360智能穹顶 14990元 京东 02-17 10:05 0 -- 索尼SONY HT-A8000 全景声回音壁 6490元 京东 02-17 09:59 0 -- 索尼SON...
索尼SONY HT-A9000 全景声 单独回音壁 360智能穹顶 回音壁 爆料人: 我是你萌妹 16:21发布 京东此款目前活动售价9490元,下单领取满5000减500元优惠券,下单1件,实付低至8990元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满5000减500元 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 实付8990元 京东38礼遇季,800元PLUS超级补贴叠国...