1.音质表现:Sonos Arc使用11个扬声器,并且搭载了Dolby Atmos技术,可以提供更加立体感强、精细的音效;而索尼HT-A7000则采用了12个扬声器,同时还搭载了Sony 360 Reality Audio技术,音效也非常出色。整体来说,两款产品在音质表现方面都达到了很高的水平,但是因为不同的音效技术带来的声音风格略有不同。2.连接方式...
controlled, bass are our only criticisms of the Arc. It is a stunning performer, delivering one of the most immersive Dolby Atmos experiences we’ve heard from a soundbar. And while theSony HT-A7000would perhaps pip it for pure performance, it's now noticeably more expensive than the Arc....
索尼HT-A7000 7.1.2旗舰全景声回音壁无线蓝牙家庭影音HT-A7000 刘家男人 0 14 Sonos ARC:如何一台搞定影院级杜比全景声 影音CN 29 25 电视音效太“拉胯”?杰科HA960D杜比全景声回音壁,客厅秒变影院 影音范 2 4 “小坊料猛”,一千多的物理5.1.2声道,真杜比全景声的回音壁 家电狗 106 243 享受MOON回音壁...
1 Comment Comment from the forums Babur72 Picked-up the SONY HT-A7000 soundbar, SA-RS5 rear surrounds & SA-SW5 sub. during SONY’s pre-Xmas promotion to partner existing SONY Bravia XR 4K UHD TV. Combined with price match offer, saved over £900- on SONY UK MSRP. Despite i...