DigitalCameraSONYSonyDSCW220UserManual 1.GettingtoKnowYourCamera Beforeyoustartshooting,takeamomenttofamiliarizeyourselfwiththeSONYDSCW220.Here'sabriefoverviewofthecamera'slayout: Front: Lens:Thisiswherethemagichappens.Thelenscaptureslightandfocusesonyoursubject. Flash:Thebuiltinflashprovidesadditionallightwhen...
数码相机-SONY索尼-DSC-W220(英文)说明书.docx,Digital Camera SONY Sony DSCW220 User Manual 1. Getting to Know Your Camera Before you start shooting, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the SONY DSCW220. Heres a brief overview of the cameras layout:
内容提示: © 2009 Sony Corporation4-140-272-11(1)GBDigital Still CameraInstruction ManualDSC-W210/W215/W220/W230Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference.For details on advanced operations, please read “Cyber-shot Handbook” (PDF) and ...
4-140-272-11(1) Digital Still Camera Instruction Manual DSC-W210/W215/W220/W230 Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference. F
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类型:MS卡(记忆棒) 。机身内存:15MB内存索尼 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W220 推出日期 : 约 2009 年 1 月 有效像素 : 1210 万像素储存媒体 : Memory Stick Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo (High Speed) Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo最大支持16GB内存卡 ...
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