(1)GBDigital Still CameraInstruction ManualDSC-W210/W215/W220/W230Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference.For details on advanced operations, please read “Cyber-shot Handbook” (PDF) and “Cyber-shot Step-up Guide” on the CD-ROM (...
类型:MS卡(记忆棒) 。机身内存:15MB内存索尼 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W220 推出日期 : 约 2009 年 1 月 有效像素 : 1210 万像素储存媒体 : Memory Stick Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo (High Speed) Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo最大支持16GB内存卡 ...
4-140-272-11(1) Digital Still Camera Instruction Manual DSC-W210/W215/W220/W230 Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference. For details on advanced operations, please read “Cyber- shot Handbook” (PDF) and “Cyber-shot Step-up Guide”...
类型:MS卡(记忆棒) 。机身内存:15MB内存 索尼 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W220 推出日期 : 约 2009 年 1 月 有效像素 : 1210 万像素 储存媒体 : Memory Stick Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo ; Memory Stick PRO Duo (High Speed)Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo 最大支持16GB内存卡 ...
SONY索尼数码照相机DSC-WX220使用说明书 在日历上 查看影像 若要使⽤各网络服务,必须连接互联网。此外,根据国家或地区而定,可能⽆法使⽤上述功能。下载PlayMemories Home 可以从以下网址下载PlayMemories Home:www.sony.net/pm/ ˎˎ有关Mac电脑应⽤程序的详细说明,请访问以下网址:http://www.sony....
1pcs NEW LCD Display Screen for SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-W150 DSC-W170 DSC-W210 DSC-W220 DSC-W270 DSC-W300 A230 A330 A380 A390 CameraProduct sellpoints Durable Material:Crafted from robust materials, this screen protector withstands daily wear and tear. Sony W800 B 20 Mp Digital Cameras|Sony ...
1350毫安相机电池NP-BG1适用于索尼相机Cyber-Shot DSC W220 义乌市丹狐贸易有限公司 5年 回头率: 17.3% 浙江 金华市 ¥1197.00 索爱SA222蓝牙音箱户外直播吉他广场音响k歌弹唱歌街头路演出设备 深圳市爱立顺数码有限公司 11年 回头率: 31.7% 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥...
DSC-W170 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W200 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W210 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W215 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W220 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W230 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W270 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W275 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W290 Sony Cyber-shot
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