def update(self):"""Update TV info."""ifnot self._braviarc.is_connected():ifself._braviarc...
Good thing is it's not just us with the Sony remotes - kind of relieving, because was starting to wonder about my TV. View in context Similar questions Apple TV remote stopped working My Apple TV remote has stopped working this week … it has always controlled my tv and Apple TV per...
Apple TV app not working on Sony TV Anyone have an issue with their Apple TV app on Sony Bravia TV? It’s been fine since I added it about a year ago and now it gets stuck when you try to load a show. So frustrating ! Any ideas on how to get it working again ? BRAVIAVU1,...
“通过USB存储设备播放”(照片,音乐和视频)是“BRAVIA”电视机的一个功能。如果该USB存储设备可以在“BRAVIA”电视机上能够正常播放,则该USB存储设备也能用作为软件升级。 推荐的USB存储设备列表(Sony品牌) USM16GR USM64GQ USM64GT USM4GU USM4GV USM16W USM16GQX USM128GQX USM8SA1 USM32SA1 机器型号: ...
Connection results Solutions Wireless device on TV Failed found (or OK) found (or OK) found (or OK) Cable connection Local access Failed Failed OK OK Internet access Failed Failed Failed OK Solution Wireless connection Cable connection
› 智能电视 / 安卓TV区 › Sony索尼电视 › 2018索尼电视Bravia电视机无法连接到网络解决方法汇总! ...12345678910... 31 / 31 页下一页 返回列表 楼主: bug无敌 [教程&攻略] 2018索尼电视Bravia电视机无法连接到网络解决方法汇总![复制链接] bf...
These results indicate that the wireless module within your TV is working properly and can connect to your router, but cannot connect to the internet through your home network. The internet access test checks the connection between your router and the internet through your modem. This issue coul...
InternetAccessshould beOK– This indicates that theTVis connecting to the BraviaInternetVideo (BIV) server. If any of the settings are shown asFailed, check for some of the following: Check the Ethernet cable to see if it is secured – If needed, change the LAN ports or the cable altoget...
If there is no open LAN port on the router, you will need a hub device to connect the BRAVIA TV to your modem. Contact an Internet service provider or manufacturer if you're unsure about the specifications. A: Wired or wireless Modem equipped with Router functions B: Hub C: ...
启用“家人共享”后,你即可与家庭群组中的成员共享部分 App 内购买项目(包括订阅项目)。进一步了解 Remote Control for Sony TVs Bravia Controller - 索尼电视遥控器 Unimote :电视遥控器 - tv remote Sony TV Remote - Bravia TV Smart Remote Control App...