Apple TV app not working on Sony TV Anyone have an issue with their Apple TV app on Sony Bravia TV? It’s been fine since I added it about a year ago and now it gets stuck when you try to load a show. So frustrating ! Any ideas on how to get it working again ? BRAVIAVU1,...
Remote control does not get recognized by Apple TV The Remote control does not get recognized by Apple TV after having worked fine for a couple of months. the remote has been charged fully. any hint ? 3 years ago 612 1 apple remote (2nd fen) suddenly stopped workingI have tried the ...
SONY 的 BRAVIA Sync 设计上欠考虑,默认只支持一个 音响系统。如果连接的多个HDMI cec设备中有两个被认为是 音响系统,那就听天由命了,哪个在前面就用哪个,然而这个先后顺序是会变化的,这就是大家经常反映的,前几天还用的好好的,怎么突然就出现了“由于音响系统通讯失败而启用电视机扬声器”。
Sony Bravia tv Hi, I have a Sony Bravia tv and the Bluetooth is not working at all. I have paired lots of devices to it before but all of a sudden it's not working. When adding a device it stays on the searching for accessories screen and doesn't discover anything. I've tried ...
官方支持Sony Bravia TV的接入和控制,官方的教程很简单就是输入 media_player:- platform: braviatv na...
索尼将于3月13日率先发布一款独家RGB Mini LED电视系列。 索尼在2024年推出了Bravia 9电视系列,搭载了独家Mini LED背光系统,这无疑是对其电视产品策略的明确信号:重点发展Mini LED技术,特别是其自家的Mini LED XR Backlight Master Drive技术。 此外,索尼在2024年并未
“通过USB存储设备播放”(照片,音乐和视频)是“BRAVIA”电视机的一个功能。如果该USB存储设备可以在“BRAVIA”电视机上能够正常播放,则该USB存储设备也能用作为软件升级。 推荐的USB存储设备列表(Sony品牌) USM16GR USM64GQ USM64GT USM4GU USM4GV USM16W USM16GQX USM128GQX USM8SA1 USM32SA1 机器型号: ...
(2)在片源的右上角看到【TV】字样,进行投屏即可。 腾讯视频投屏 索尼电视怎么投屏 需要注意的是B站投屏需要在电视上下载B站电视版软件应用才可以。 3.手机直接投屏 这个方法仅适用于安卓手机,索尼电视不支持苹果镜像。 (1)同样先让手机和索尼电视连接同一个WIFI网络; (2)打开安卓手机中的【设置】-【高级设置】-...
Looking to connect your devices to your TV? Check out our BRAVIA TV Connectivity Guide Most issues can be resolved by following easy troubleshooting steps. First step: Try performing a soft reset Point the remote control at the illumination LED or status LED. On the remote control, press and...
Resolution on a Sony Bravia TV used as a second monitor Thank you for taking the time to respond. I bought the Sony Bravia in 2008. It is a model KDL-42V4100. Like I said before it was working as a second display monitor just fine for 6 months. The major symptom is that the colo...