因为有购买头戴式蓝牙降噪耳机的需求,所以直接锁定了SONY WH-1000系列。 近几个星期,我几乎逛遍了所有讨论SONY WH-1000XM6的地方,知乎,小红书,reddit,X... 而在知乎搜索XM6相关消息,得到的画风是这样的 有用的信息几乎没有:) 因此,我想归总到目前为止的所有信息,写下这篇文章。 1.SONY WH1000-XM6什么时候出...
索尼于2022年5月发布的WH-1000XM5耳罩式降噪耳机已经发布接近三年了。相信不少人都在耐心等待它的继任者,而现在,似乎这个期盼已快要变成现实了。WH-1000XM6已经亮相FCC认证,其型号为YY2984,并且耳罩似乎是可拆卸的,同时还对铰链进行了重新设计。可拆卸耳垫的可能性 这项设计大大提高了耳机的耐用性,因为如果耳...
Sony WH-1000XM6降噪耳机通过FCC! Sony WH-1000XM6降噪耳机通过FCC!#索尼耳机 #2024抖音生活记忆 - 墨谈科技于20250125发布在抖音,已经收获了3.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Sony WH-1000XM6 noise canceling headphones pass through the FCC25 January 2025They seem to be slightly redesigned.Sort by: No comments posted yet.Home News Reviews All phones© 2000-2025 GSMArena.com Privacy | Terms | Glossary | Contact us ...
SONY 旗舰降噪耳机 WH-1000XM6 现身,新折叠设计? 根据索尼向美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)提交的认证文件,该公司可能会推出其热销的WH-1000XM5降噪耳机的后续型号——WH-1000XM6。 WH-1000XM5 自2022年5月上市以来,以其顶尖的降噪技术、优质的音质、舒适的佩戴感受以及持久的电池续航,在降噪耳机领域内树立了标杆地位。
The WH-1000XM6 (seriously great naming!) has the model number YY2984 and what appear to be removable earpads along with a redesigned hinge. That could amp up the longevity of this set, since in theory Sony could offer replacement earpads if yours break. Or it could sell various colors ...
Interspersed with the premium WF-1000XM earbuds range is the WH-1000XM over-ear headphones line, which is also usually released every two years around those same months (the next Sony WH-1000XM6 over-ears are expected shortly too). Leaks surrounding a new mid-range Sony model, the WF-C...
It's likely, but not officially confirmed, that the Sony WH-1000XM6 will arrive during the summer of 2025. The much-anticipated cans showed up in late January 2025 on an FCC certification, one of the key steps all manufacturers must take to sell their products in a given territory, ...