索尼此前该型号耳机发布的时间是这样的 貌似我们就能在2024年的春季或夏季看到崭新可爱的SONY WH-1000XM...
Sony WH-1000XM6: expected release date and price rumours, six features on our wishlist Sony WF-C710N: release date rumours, price speculation and 5 things we want to see To improve on the XM5, Sony has its work cut out. Having lived with the premium Sony earbuds since their release...
With a new noise-cancelling chip, that's how. The XM5 use Sony's Integrated Processor V1 to impressive effect, but that made its debut in the WF-1000XM4 wireless earbuds in 2021. For now, the WH-1000XM5 are the best all-rounders available, but we'd like them to silence an e...
I own two of the XM4’s, WF & WH and I am very pleased with them. They sync up nicely to my A95 and overall just delightful to have. Yes they take ~5 seconds to connect to my iPhone, but the sound, battery life and overall quality are better, imo, compared to Apple’...
Rumor: Sony will launch new LinkBuds headphones this year, WH-1000XM6 next year 04 June 2024 ? Anonymous mFx 06 Jun 2024 Sony fan, 05 Jun 2024I have linkbuds S and thay great !! Im wait to next genBest buds I've own to date but battery issues made it unbearable... ...
索尼新宠WH-1000XM6:卓越降噪与持久续航的降临 科技巨头Sony近日揭开了其新一代旗舰WH-1000XM6无线耳机的神秘面纱,这款备受瞩目的新品即将在2024年正式与消费者见面。据悉,索尼并未透露具体发布日期,但可以预见的是,它将凭借业界领先的降噪技术和升级的电池容量,为用户带来前所未有的听觉盛宴和高效工作...
索尼旗舰店→https://u.jd.com/66zbQNs 一、索尼耳机推荐 索尼头戴游戏耳机(WH-1000XM5) https://u.jd.com/6Gzbsak 索尼真无线蓝牙降噪耳机(WF-1000XM5) https://u.jd.com/6OzbQKj 索尼降噪耳机(WH-XB910N) https://u.jd.com/66zbtHp --- 二、索尼相机推荐 索尼黑卡数码:https://u.jd.com/...
本吧热帖: 1-索尼三月最新活动与推荐整理好了 2-出个50F1.8 3-wf1000xm3左边红灯长亮 4-索尼耳机减600优惠来了,可叠加补贴,需要的看看 5-【最新大全】sony索尼最值得入手的活动推荐 6-索尼到底怎么看奈飞呀?求个合租 7-请教一下各位大佬 8-电池损耗的有点离谱了,才发现
索尼WH-1000XM6的发布会时间会是2024年8月发布【估计】,考虑蹲这款索尼WH-1000XM6的话,可以明年8月份的时候关注一下。 现在正在双十一活动期内,索尼xm5也有非常大的降价,考虑入手的话,一定要去领取可叠加的双十一活动红包和内部可叠加的优惠券。 索尼WH-1000XM3:2018年8月发布索尼WH-1000XM4:2020年8月发布索尼...