偶联反应(Cross-coupling reaction)是一类重要的有机合成反应,是通过两个或多个有机分子之间的键合并形成新的有机分子。这个过程发生在两个底物分子之间,一般在有机金属化合物的催化下进行。偶联反应具有高效性、高选择性和广泛适用性的特点,因此在药物合成和材料科学等领域起着重要的作用。 为什么要进行偶联反应? 偶...
Inthispaper,porousaromaticmatrixmaterialswerepreparedbySonogashira-Hagiharacouplingreactionbetweentri-acetylenylbenzene(4-acetylenylbenzene)amine,atri-conicalconstructionunit,andatwo-nodelinearbridgedsegmentP-TABB. Afterthepreparationofthetargetmaterial,thepreparedporousaromaticmatrixmaterialwillbecharacterizedbyinfraredsp...
ChemInform Abstract: Sonogashira—Hagihara Coupling Towards Diaryl Alkynes Catalyzed by FeCl3·6H2O/Cationic 2,2′-Bipyridylpolyphenylalkyne derivatives (tolan derivativesC‐C bond formationcatalysis, phase‐transfer catalysisNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.201232090...
[amazonjs asin=”B00ACQEAQC” locale=”CN” title=”现代有机反应:金属催化反应2(第6卷)”][amazonjs asin=”3639376498″ locale=”CN” title=”Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling and Cyclocondensations Reactions”]
This Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction presents a facile access to alkynyl iC/i-glycosides and sets the stage for a reductive/oxidative refunctionalization of the enyne moiety to regenerate either iC/i-glycosidic structures or pyran derivatives with a substituent in position 2....
The structure of the ligand plays a key role for the coupling efficiency. Various copper sources show excellent catalytic activity, even in sub-mol% quantities. A wide variety of substituents is tolerated in the substrates. Mechanistic details have been revealed by kinetic measurements and DFT ...
ChemInform Abstract: Mechanistic Insights into Copper-Catalyzed Sonogashira-Hagihara-Type Cross-Coupling Reactions: Sub-Mol% Catalyst Loadings and Ligand Effects.polyphenylalkyne derivatives (tolan derivatives)C-C bond formationcatalysis, phase-transfer catalysis...
The complex was a highly efficient catalyst for the Sonogashira- Hagihara coupling reaction in the absence of a copper cocatalyst and an amine base under aerobic condition. This protocol can be applied for different aryl halides including chloroarenes. The catalyst can be reused several times ...
Recyclable palladium - catalyzed Sonogashira - Hagihara coupling of aryl halides using 2 - aminophenyl dipheny- lphosphine ligand in neat water under copper -free con- dition[ J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemica. 2010(321) : 110-116....
CheminformSynthesis of Unsymmetrical Diarylethynes by Pd(0)/Cu(I)-cocatalyzed Sila-Sonogashira-Hagihara Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl Tosylates or Mesylates. Yasushi Nishihara,Daisuke Ogawa,Shintaro Noyori. Chemistry Letters . 2012...