Shakespeare’s excess use of negative similes and a mysterious tone change help convey the meaning of love on a deeper, more intimate level by showing that looks are not as important as one’s inner beauty. Shakespeare compares his mistress to several beautiful things, but the comparison is ...
Themeaningoftheword―reek‖haschangedsom ewhatfromShakespeare’stime.Itmeant―exhal e‖or―exudes‖inthe16thand17thcenturyattheb eginningofmodernEnglish,butnowitdesignates anunpleasantodor.ﻫThirdQuatrain–―IgrantInev ersawagoddessgo,—― Inthethirdquatrain,thespeakerdoessomethin gthathasbeenconspicuous...
Study Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 130' analysis and understand its tone. Read a summary of the sonnet, examine its meaning, and review the themes and...
The meaning of the word “reek” has changed somewhat from Shakespeare’s time. It meant “exhale” or “exudes” in the 16th and 17th century at the beginning of modern English, but now it designates an unpleasant odor.Third Quatrain –“I grant I never saw a goddess go,—“In the ...
The meaning of the word “reek” has changed somewhat from Shakespeare’s time. It meant “exhale” or “exudes” in the 16th and 17th century at the beginning of modern English, but now it designates an unpleasant odor. Third Quatrain –“I grant I never saw a goddess go,—“ Intheth...
The meaning of the word “reek” has changed somew hat from Shakespeare’s time. It meant “exhale” or “exudes” in the 16th and 17th century at the beginning of modern English but now it designates an unpleasant odor. Third Quatrain –“I grant I never saw a goddess go —“ In ...,“dun”isakindofcolormeaningbrown.Maybe Ithinkthespeakerwantstosaythatsheisnotveryyoungoralittleold,becauseshe isnotabeautifulyoungwoman. Inlines5-8,thespeakersaysdirectlythathelikesayoungwoman‟sattractive cheeksthatarejustlikedamaskedredandwhiteroses,buthercheekshavenothing...
The meaning and interpretation of Sonnet 130 are complex and multifaceted. On the surface, the sonnet is a commentary on the traditional themes of love and beauty, presenting a realistic and honest portrayal of Shakespeare's mistress. However, at a deeper level, the sonnet is a meditation on ...
The meaning of the word “reek” has changed somewhat from Shakespeare’s time. It meant “exhale” or “exudes” in the 16th and 17th century at the beginning of modern English, but now it designates an unpleasant odor. Third Quatrain –“I grant I never saw a goddess go,—“ In the...