PS3 索尼克 释放/世界大冒险(Sonic Unleashed / World Adventure) 欧版ISO下载。本作是一款动作冒险类型的游戏,玩家将操作一个蓝色的卡通刺猬进行冒险。 中文名称:音速小子 释放 / 索尼克世界大冒险 英文名称:Sonic Unleashed / Sonic World Adventure 日文名称:ソニック ワールドアドベンチャー 游戏编号:BLES00...
Finding out the 360 and PS3 had a MUCH better version of Unleashed was what pushed me to buy a 360 (which in retrospect was a bit of a mistake, I should've bought a PS3 because its exclusives were better) and that's what first opened my eyes to "Nintendo doesn't get good third...
Random This Unofficial Sonic Unleashed PC Port Has Us Dreaming Of A Switch 2 Remaster Werehogs, not swearhogs Like all big pop culture moments, time has done weird things to the public perception of Sonic Unleashed. What launched in HD on Xbox 360 and PS3 (and in SD on Wii and PS2) ...
”Sonic Unleashedenhances the classic 2D perspective with mind-blowing 3D stages. Other next-gen technology capabilities include global illumination, grid computing, continuous data streaming and an intricate path finding system.
Sonic UnleashedDiário Oficial Da Unio
Although Sonic Unleashed did not sell well enough to become a "PS3 Greatest Hits" title in the NTSC region, it sold enough copies in the PAL region to become a "PS3 Essentials" title. The daytime level theme for Savannah Citadel has a similar melody to the opening of the end credits ...
Sonic Unleashed Apatos And Shamar Adventure PackPS3 remove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 favorite 喜欢 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到 喜欢的游戏 visibility_off 隐藏 从列表和搜索...
sonic unle..手头有ps3版本,原版还能进,但是打了1.02和dlc就进不了游戏了,模拟是最新的版本,360听说模拟效果不咋样就没测
The most horrendous thing about Sonic Unleashed is that it shows signs of being absolutely, totally, awesome It's just a shame about the rest of the game. Mandatory medal-hunts. Awful God Of War-ripped sub-gameplay. Terrible voice acting. Drawn-out level design. Just a few of the reasons...
Unleashed Recompiled is an unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed created through the process of static recompilation. The port offers Windows and Linux support with numerous built-in enhancements such as high resolutions, ultrawide support, high frame rates, improved performanc...