Sonic Unleashed, released in Japan as Sonic World Adventure (ソニックワールドアドベンチャー Sonikku Wārudo Adobenchā?), is a video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. It was released in late 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, ...
”Sonic Unleashedenhances the classic 2D perspective with mind-blowing 3D stages. Other next-gen technology capabilities include global illumination, grid computing, continuous data streaming and an intricate path finding system.
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ps3《索尼克 释放 Sonic Unleashed》英文ISO下载,索尼克 释放 Sonic Unleashed是一款冒险类游戏,具有独特的玩法、超凡脱俗的音效,推荐给喜欢这类游戏的玩家! 《索尼克:释放》(Sonic the Hedgehog: Unleashed)是由日本Sonic Team开发,世嘉公司发售的一款电子游戏,于2008年11月在Wii、PlayStation 2、Xbox 360和PlayStat...
Sonic Unleashed Game Story Summary Gameplay in Sonic Unleashed focuses on two modes of platforming play: fast-paced levels that take place during daytime, showcasing Sonic’s trademark speed as seen in previous games in the series, and slower, night-time levels, during which Sonic’s Werehog ...
在线看Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360 / PS3) - 2 часть.. 1小时 34分钟 36秒。24 10月 2017的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 3 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
When I first bought Sonic Unleashed, I found myself with a dilemma. There were two versions of the game to be released, one for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and the other released for Wii and PS2. In the end I opted for the Xbox... Read Full Review 0 of 0 users found the following re...
PS3 索尼克 释放/世界大冒险(Sonic Unleashed / World Adventure) 欧版ISO下载。本作是一款动作冒险类型的游戏,玩家将操作一个蓝色的卡通刺猬进行冒险。 中文名称:音速小子 释放 / 索尼克世界大冒险 英文名称:Sonic Unleashed / Sonic World Adventure 日文名称:ソニック ワールドアドベンチャー ...
sonic unle..手头有ps3版本,原版还能进,但是打了1.02和dlc就进不了游戏了,模拟是最新的版本,360听说模拟效果不咋样就没测
Sonic Generations has sold nearly over 3 million copies worldwide as of 31 April 2014,[58] making it the fifth best selling Sonic game to date, behind Sonic the Hedgehog (over 4 million), Sonic Unleashed (also over 4 million), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (over 6 million), and Sonic Heroes ...