Sonic was originally a much lighter shade of blue, which is evident in most of the concept art. His sprite was darkened at the last minute because it was difficult to see against Green Hill's ocean background. The BGM for Star Light Zone inspired the Dreams Come True song 薬指の決心 ("...
Background: sky, sea with light reflections, trees and leaves with parallaxChangedUpdated pico-boots to v1.0 Snap character sprite angle to closest 45-degree step (closer to Sonic 1~3 than Sonic Mania) Moved goal to stage right boundary Character spawns on ground on stage start Fixed air spi...
Demonstrates how to implement UIWebView with a transparent background. To achieve this you need to make the HTML body's background color transparent by doing the following - set the UIWebView's backgroundColor property to [UIColor clearColor] use the UIWebView's content in the html: the ...