But his tortured delivery — along with the quartet’s quiet-loud/clean-distorted dynamic — renders any painful line romantic, particularly the opening admission: “I lost myself when I looked in your eyes.” How’s that for concrete? – Ryan Reed 22. Say Anything –“I Want to Know ...
with Madonna); DJ/producer Moby (who was “running his fucking mouth” at the Grammys, according to the rapper ina 2002Rolling Stoneinterview); the Federal Communications Commission (which levied, and thenrescinded, a fine against a Colorado radio station for playing the clean version of “The...
London producer Sophie spent the past few years constructing hyper-reality pop confections crackling with energy, marked by collabs with Madonna and Charli XCX. Largely known for staying out of the public eye, she made a public pronouncement with the release of the slowly unfurling “It’s Okay ...
Clair Sanitarium, revolting Ohio ani- mals, to earth is a door, and to the last sea in the Ohio grass,/Heaving a tide of gray disas- trousness, and we hear the harsh, unpoetic voice of phrases like the grave's gash festers, quick similes like clean as lime and his skull rots ...
“We should take this back to my place” come-on, Horan made the clear statement that his squeaky-clean days were behind him. Bringing out his sexy side with daring lyrics, sultry vocals and a thumping, bluesy guitar hook was definitely worth the risk, as it landed Horan his first No....
“We should take this back to my place” come-on, Horan made the clear statement that his squeaky-clean days were behind him. Bringing out his sexy side with daring lyrics, sultry vocals and a thumping, bluesy guitar hook was definitely worth the risk, as it landed Horan his first No....
“We should take this back to my place” come-on, Horan made the clear statement that his squeaky-clean days were behind him. Bringing out his sexy side with daring lyrics, sultry vocals and a thumping, bluesy guitar hook was definitely worth the risk, as ...