(as) clean as a whistle 干干净净 13 (as) flat as a pancake 非常平的 14 (as) good as gold 规规矩矩;很乖;表现好 15 (as) plain as the nose on your face 一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见 = very obvious The solution is as plain as the nose on your face. 16 (as) dry as a bone...
Similesuse “as, as” or “like”. Asimileis a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some way. Some Well-known similes include: This house is as clean as a whistle. He is as strong as an ox. My love is like a red, red rose. They fought like cats and do...
Similesuse “as, as” or “like”. Asimileis a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some way. Some Well-known similes include: This house is as clean as a whistle. He is as strong as an ox. My love is like a red, red rose. They fought like cats and do...
Slippery; easily negotiated. The smoothness of this fine fabric was transferred to mean general freedom from hindrances by 1900. O. Henry used the simile in his 1910 storyThe Dream:“Everything goes as smooth as silk.” See also:silk,smooth ...
as clean as a whistlevery clean as clear as crystalvery clear as clear as mudnot at all clearirony or sarcasm as cold as icevery cold as common as dirtvery common, rude, vulgarusually said of a person as cool as a cucumbercool
aMy classroom is great .Look!Look!My classroom is great!Board,board,black.Window,window,clean.Wall,wall,white.Light,light,bright. 我的教室是伟大的。看! 看! 我的教室是伟大的! 委员会,委员会,黑。窗口,窗口,干净。墙壁,墙壁,白色。光,光,明亮。[translate] ...
As clean (bare) as a bird's arse. c1475 Mankind 18.482: Yt ys as clen as a byrdis ars. 1525 More Heresyes 238 B{11-2} As bare as a byrdes arse. 1546 Heywood D 90.60. ... The following excerpts from Early English Books Online tend to corroborate Whiting on this point, al...
dirty, soiled, unclean - soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the...
The Swiss are a clean and sober folk, yet oddly relaxed about houseflies—screened windows are few here—but these glistening green flies, buzzing about our dinner, alarmed even my very Swiss husband. “Where the hell are they coming from?” he said, waving them off. He rushed inside to...
Martin, The Clean Code Blog. A pretty interesting take on the differences between OOP and FP from an expert in OOP. OO is not about state. Objects are bags of functions, not bags of data. Functional Programs, like OO Programs, are composed of functions that operate on data. FP imposes...