And then you can view the chart to compare your bathroom fan’s noise level to common activities. Sone to Decibel Calculator Room Size (Sq Ft):* Ceiling Height (Feet):* Air Changes Per Hour (ACH):* 27 CFM Sone to Decibel Chart: Sones dBa Examples 0.3 Sones 11 dBa Normal breathing 0....
Example:A bathroom exhaust fan has noise levels of 1 Sone.How many decibels is 1 Sone?1 Sone is equal to28 dB. Further on, you will also find a calculated Sones to dB chart for0.1 to 20 Sones. On top of that, we have solved 3 examples of how to convert Sones to dB, namely: ...
From a dB-A measurement no accurate description of the expected volume is possible. A typical noise question: How does dbA compare to sones? The following chart is, however, for the dBA values no accurate knowledge − it's more a guess. "Conversion" of "sones to dBA" Conversion...
3.0-5.0 Sones:Standard-noisebathroom fans. 5.1 Sones and above:Loudbathroom fans. As you will see in the comparison table of the quietest bathroom exhaust fans, all of the selected fans have a noise level range below 0.9 sones and are thus considered ‘ultra-quiet bathroom fans’. ...