Sones • Perceived Noise Level (PNdB) • Noise and Number Index (NNI) • Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNdB) • Speech Interference Level (SIL) Measuring methods have proliferated because the physical phenomenon, a pressure wave, is related to a physiological human response (hearing) ...
Conversion table: Sones to dB or phones SonesdB / Decibels / Phones 0.06 (Hearing threshold)15 0.2525 0.44 (Whispered speech)30 0.5 (Rustling leaves)32 1 (Typical refrigerator)40 1.4 (Typical dishwasher)45 250 3 (Typical office noise level)55 ...
compare it to an SPL (dB) reading. A signal with a loudness of 60 phons is perceived to be as loud as a 1 kHz tone measured at 60 dB SPL. Converting 23.8 sones to phons usingsone2phondemonstrates the loudness perception of the engine noise is as loud as a 1 kHz tone measured...
For loudness N < 1 sone: loudness level LN in phons = 40 × (N + 0.0005)0.35 N in sonesAccording to Stanley Smith Stevens' definition, 1 sone is equivalent to 40 phons, which is defined as the loudness level of a pure 1 kHz tone at LN = 40 dBSPL, but only (!) for a sine ...
When the noise level in dB(A) was adjusted to represent a sones-like scale using a conversion based upon a broadband noise spectrum, the measurements followed a single straight line reinforcing the view that the sones scale is more nearly a "pure" psychometric scale than dB(a). The results...
(in dB scale) of the cavity output field, normalized to the shot noise level, measured at different quadrature angles. The magnitude and bandwidth of squeezing depend on the homodyne quadrature angle.d, Averaged homodyne PSD within three different frequency bands (5 kHz bandwidth) at different...
(GAR) is defined as a noise that has the same sound intensity in each frequency bandwidth and therefore the same excitation. FIG. 2 shows the loudness in sones in logarithmic scale versus sound pressure levels. For low sound pressure levels—i.e., when approaching the minimum audible ...
17、l Powertrain NVH-Vehicle Level Targets Typical Noise Targets and Trends Vs.RPM 典型的易产生噪声的物体其响度随转速的 变化关系 Vehicle NVH Awareness DEW 98 WOT 1st Gear V6 RPM转速 (转/分钟) 25003000400050006000 Loudness 响度 1515202325Zwicker sones 单位:宋 13 2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Ve...
(Q/Qo) E.g.Implicationsofthedecibelscale:doublingsoundlevel wouldmeanthatthesoundwillincreaseby10*log2=+3dB Tentimesthesoundlevel=10*log10=+10dB Exposuretohighsoundlevels Reflectingonnoise “Noise"derivedfrom"nausea,"meaningseasickness Noiseisamongthemostpervasivepollutantstoday Noiseisunavoidableformany...
(转/ 分 整 钟) 车 汽 动 Loudness 15 15 20 23 25 Zwicker sones 响度 机 单位:宋 13 2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Vehicle Level Targets Vehicle NVH Awareness Typical Noise Targets and Trends Vs.RP 计 M 典型的噪声的指标参数和声功率随转速 设 件 的变化关 部 零 dBA 各 及 计 设 70...