(if enabled andpossible) so that the torrent client can continue seeding. In an ideal setup, the torrent download folder and the library folder will be on the same file system andlook like it(Docker and network shares make this easy to get wrong), which makes hard links possible and ...
t=tvsearch&cat=5030,5040,5045,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=354629&season=1&ep=1"rel="self"type="application/rss+xml"/>api.nzbgeek.info<description>NZBgeek API</description>http://api.nzbgeek.info/<language>en-gb</language><webMaster>info@nzbgeek.info (N...
or when a user is locked out (because of too much wrong password during connection), check "User Locked Out" or when a user is created/deleted, when a password is changed, ... (for every use case check this file), check "Authentication" and "User" "User Filter": personally, I don...