Sonarrcan keep track of upcoming episodes for all your favorite series and, with the proper configurations, can automatically download the videos from torrents using third party torrent handlers. The drawback is that Sonarr does not act as a standalone app, so you need to go through a web br...
Possibly even the ability to automatically download the episode and keep it in the "Unmatched" queue until TVDB has had a chance to update itself, although I'm sure that may come with its fair share of problems as well. Example Implementation of Downloading Logic: Add a Flag that says "Al...
Hard links are enabled by default.A hard link will not use any additional disk space. The file system and mounts must be the same for your completed download directory and your media library. If the hard link creation fails or your setup does not support hard links then it will fall back...
Private torrents in qBittorrent will not be removed from the queue if this is set to true Only works if qBittorrent is used (does not work with transmission etc.) Applies to all types of removal (ie. nothing will be removed automatically by decluttarr); only exception to this is REMOVE...
(or NzbDrone) fall into the same category. They are also PVRs for Usenet and Torrents but unlike CouchPotato, they watch for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted they download, sort, rename, and organize them. They will also automatically download all metadata such ...
That will be useful for Sonarr, since Sonarr can only remove finished downloads from deluge when the torrent has stopped seeding. Setting a very low ratio is not very fair though ! Configuration gets stored automatically in your mounted volume (${ROOT}/config/deluge) to be re-used at ...
This looks like a problem with the start-stop-status script that does not find the pid file so it pretends that the service does not run. Is there a way to create or add that pid file? BenjV commented Dec 18, 2021 The start-stop-status script is looking in the correct location, ...
If you are using the Synology DHCP Server package, it will use port 53 even if it does not need it. This is because it uses Dnsmasq to handle DHCP requests, but does not serve DNS queries. The port can be released by editing (as root)/usr/local/lib/systemd/system/pkg-dhcpserver.ser...
With approximately 50% of the downloads in Sonarr, which are sent automatically to rTorrent, I have this following problem. The magnet url seems to be unresolvable, so the torrent won't download. [Debug] RTorrentProxy: Executing remote m...
looking for a way to make Sonarr not crash when it does happen eventually. Actually, you're were asking for the exact opposite, to make sure Sonarr does crash when it happens instead of getting into a loop. The problem is that to my knowledge, that's exactly what happens: Sonarr/src...