New code with long- and short-lived branches The distinction between new code and overall code is a key part of the SonarQube Cloud methodology. For a general introduction to the concept, see About new code. The new code definition for all long-lived branches, including the main branch, is...
SonarQube vs Jira SonarQube vs AWS CloudFormation SonarQube vs Sigrid SonarQube vs Appcircle SonarQube vs CircleCI SonarQube vs AWS CodePipeline SonarQube vs Bamboo SonarQube vs MuleSoft Anypoint Platform SonarQube vs Codemagic SonarQube vs Google Cloud Run ...
Veracode consistently assists us in identifying security issues in third-party dependencies, while also ensuring the maintenance of code quality. Preventing security bugs and threats in our code improves the overall code quality of our company, which is essential given the significant concerns ...
Find out what’s new in the latest SonarQube LTA. Look forward to high-impact AI capabilities, more secure code at every angle, supercharged developer productivity, and even better enterprise and operational capabilities. As always, there's something for
With a new Sonar-recommended AI Code Assurance quality gate, both new code and overall code are checked to make sure your whole codebase meets our strict standards. Want to use your own quality gate for AI Code Assurance? You can! Simply mark your custom quality gate as “Qualified for ...
It opens like Traceviewer where you can use the window to find selectors, its directly integrated to VS Code, all the browsers definned in playwright config will be automatically picked up and you can chosse to run individual test cases in browser of choice and also we can run tests ...
The Pull Request Analysis is our best option to keep your code clean of bugs and reduce manual work, increase test coverage and in the overall align the code quality across all your repositories in the most automated way possible by entirely using Github Actions, in our days it has become ...
1. Write Clean Code Overall Health Discovered issues can either be Unreachable source code, a Bug, Vulnerability, Code Smell, Coverage or Duplication. Each category has a corresponding number of issues. Dashboard page shows where you stand in terms of quality in a glimpse of an eye. ...
DevSec Ops Tool:Detect security issues in your code while still in app development stages and generate comprehensive reports. Comprehensive Discovery:Discover and catalog new and unknown web apps in your network. Malware Detection:Scan a website, identify vulnerabilities, and receive alerts to any in...
With the above workflow, we can keep a track of the unit test coverage and analyze which services to improve. Add UT coverage tasks to a given sprint based on the above data and improve the code coverage so that we can write good quality code and deploy new features faster and safer. ...