Whether you’re a first-time user of USBL technology or a seasoned professional, you’ll find Micro-Ranger 2 incredibly easy to use – it’s a one box solution, make a few simple connections and your operation is ready to go! We’ve engineered everything to fit in a robust carry case...
Dimona, our first USBL system, launches We win the first of four Queen’s Awards. A new purpose-built global HQ, Ocean House, opens its doors. Tsunami detection technology goes on duty in the Bay of Bengal. We celebrate reaching 50 and announce our ambitions of being carbon neutral by 20...
Micro-Ranger 2 USBL The ‘baby’ of the Ranger 2 family and the ideal entry-level USBL, Micro-Ranger 2’s compact size contradicts its impressive performance. It may be our smallest underwater tracking system to date, but it will have a big impact on your operations. ...
01超短基线定位(USBL)技术 通过测量水下声信号传播时间和相位差,确定目标位置。02高精度测时和测相 采用高精度时钟和相位测量技术,实现微秒级时间分辨率和毫弧度级相位分辨率。03多阵元接收 采用多个水听器组成的接收阵列,提高信号接收能力和定位精度。2024/3/26 4 系统组成与功能 01发射换能器 产生声信号,向...
If you need a solution for a vessel of opportunity, our pre-calibrated, all-in-one Gyro USBL transceiver is perfect. Lighter, smaller and just as capable, our second-generation Gyro USBL transceiver works seamlessly with Ranger 2 to track the position of your subsea targets from a USV, vess...
As our mainstay USBL system for nearshore operations, Mini-Ranger 2 is a tracking, positioning and communications system with robotic capability. Straight out of the box it can track and communicate up to 995m. With an extension pack, this can be extended to 4,000m making it suitable for ...
Sonardyne水下定位、导航和控制系统Scout通过测量从船上安装的收发机到安装在目标上的小声学应答器之间的距离和方位来计算水下目标的位置;一种超短基线(USBL)定位技术。 超短基线(USBL)定位广泛地被海上和海洋地理行业使用。因为,它精度高、 操作简便。其中一个主要优势是:在水下操作进行之前,不需要在水中布放任何其...
Fusion USBL系统使用了Sonardyne 最新的Wideband signal technology 数字宽带信号技术 该技术可提供业界从未达到的高精度、可靠的运行、多路干扰消除、高速数据遥测以及多达210 个真正独立的导航通道;在声学导航领域,该技术是近年来最大的唯一技术创新。 Fusion USBL采用了融合技术,通过接入外部高精度的GPS、Gyro、MRU和SVP...
• 500 Unique addresses, ideal for large array deployments • Sonardyne Wideband1, 2, 2+ and HPR 400 USBL mode compatible Set-up • Warranty: 1-year return to Sonardyne service centre • ITAR Controlled: No • UK Export License: Not requiredOther...
更轻、更小、同样功能强大,这就是我们的第二代Gyro USBL收发器。它与Ranger 2无缝协作,从无人水面艇、机会船或铺管船的伸缩臂上,在极远的距离内跟踪水下目标的位置。Gyro USBL提供了目前可用的最高精度,并且现在直接由我们进行预校准,为您节省宝贵的操作时间。 产品用途 海底结构安装、管道定位、传感器跟踪、无...