If you need a solution for a vessel of opportunity, our pre-calibrated, all-in-one Gyro USBL transceiver is perfect. Lighter, smaller and just as capable, our second-generation Gyro USBL transceiver works seamlessly with Ranger 2 to track the position of your subsea targets from a USV, vess...
there is a Ranger 2 USBL to suit any size vessel or project. As your needs grow, bolt-on software packs unlock additional capability and protect your investment. Whichever size suits you best, they will always be compatible with our full range of 6G transponders and many other vessel systems...
What every diver, small towfish and micro ROV / AUV should be wearing, our Nano transponders are the perfect size and weight for tracking your important assets in shallow water without interfering with their movement. The two you will receive with Micro-Ranger 2 are second generation units off...
WSM 6+ is one our most popular USBL transponders, selected by customers for its small size, value and dependable performance in all environments, shallow or deep. It’s the perfect choice for fitting to observation and work-class ROVs, towfish, submersibles and equipment being deployed onto ...
Transponder options A wide range of our 6G transponders can be used with Mini-Ranger 2, allowing you to select the right one for your operations. If you’re tracking divers, small to medium sized AUVs or micro-class ROVs, Nano is a popular choice. When tracking larger targets such as ...
SPRINT-Nav family Ranger 2 USBL family RT 6 release family Our history Engineering the future of underwater technology for over 50 years. Founded in 1971, Sonardyne has been a world leader in underwater tech for over 50 years. Our innovations, like the Compatt transponder, helpe...
A new industry standard is born; COMPuting And Telemetering Transponder, the Compatt. The world’s first TLP installed using Sonardyne acoustics. Houston, Aberdeen and Singapore offices open Dimona, our first USBL system, launches We win the first of four Queen’s Awards. ...
Sonardyne USBL培训教程 SubseaPositioning&Communications 超短基线声学定位跟踪系统 李明波青岛海洋研究设备服务有限公司英国Sonardyne公司 Sonardyne公司介绍 公司成立于1971全球的总雇员超过140人总部在伦敦的Yateley,汉普郡,英格兰 Sonardyne公司的核心业务 专门致力于水下定位、导航跟踪、数据遥报和控制同时还致力于国土安全(...
Micro-Ranger 2 非常适合支持海上风中的浅水作业,包括海底仪器定位和释放。采用与 Sonardyne 的 Ranger 2 系列相同的 Wideband-2 信号架构和 6G 硬件构建,它还与该公司的 Release Transponder 6 系列 (RT 6) 完全兼容。它还适合使用小型 ROV 进行水下检查的快速动员。
SPRINT optimises acoustic aiding data from USBL, LBL, Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and pressure sensors, improving position accuracy, precision, reliability, and integrity. It extends the operating limits of your vessel’s USBL and enhances LBL efficiency by enabling sparse seabed transponder arrays. ...