INFO: Reading IR files from: C:\autoscan_source\Application1\source\.scannerwork\ir\python INFO: No IR files have been included for analysis. INFO: Sensor pythonbugs [dbd] (done) | time=2ms INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: C:\autoscan_source\Ap...
1.下载sonar-scanner,以前可能叫sonar-runner。 我是win版 下载 配置环境变量 SONAR_SCANNER_HOME D:\sonar-scanner path加一下 ;%SONAR_SCANNER_HOME%\bin; 2.在你要扫描的工程下面加一个文件 sonar.projectKe...
I am evaluating sonar cloud with msbuild project. However, there is an error related to Java files. The 3rdparty code includes Java files but it is not used in my project at all. I added exclusion options but the scanner fails. Here are my property file and log below.
Maven、Gradle和.NET的自动设置 如果使用 SonarScanner for Maven、SonarScanner for Gradle 或 SonarScanner for .NET分析代码,则会根据项目配置中的信息自动确定参数,不必显式设置参数。 如果您确实显式设置了参数(例如,在 Maven 的情况下,这将覆盖自动pom.xml 中的sonar.sources, sonar.tests 其他场景的默认设置 ...
@文心快码BaiduComatehow to exclude files from sonar coverage in pom xml 文心快码BaiduComate 为了在pom.xml中排除特定文件或路径,使其不被SonarQube的代码覆盖率分析所包括,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 理解Sonar Coverage和pom.xml: SonarQube是一个开源平台,用于持续检查代码质量。 pom.xml是Maven项目的配置文件...
sonar-scanner 执行扫描报错 maclxf 1212132 发布于 2018-11-24 Failed to get Node.js version.No TypeScript files will be analyzed. You can exclude TypeScript files from analysis with 'sonar.exclusions' propertysonar 有用关注2收藏回复 阅读5.6k ...
如果使用 SonarScanner for Maven、SonarScanner for Gradle 或 SonarScanner for .NET 分析代码,则会根据项目配置中的信息自动确定参数,不必显式设置参数。 如果您确实显式设置了参数(例如,在 Maven 的情况下,这将覆盖自动pom.xml 中的sonar.sources, sonar.tests ...
你可以在全局或项目级别配置它们。 定义分析范围的大多数属性都可以在Sonar Qube UI中定义。其他参数必须在scanner调用中或在适当的配置文件中明确设置, 设置初始分析范围 分析的初始范围由以下参数控制: sonar.sources定义了项目中非测试代码的初始分析范围。
Use build profiles to exclude some modules (like for integration tests). Use Advanced Reactor Options (such as-pl). For examplemvn sonar:sonar -pl !module2 Troubleshooting If you get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError With SonarScanner for Maven version 5.0 or later ...
The analysis scope of a project determines the source and test files to be analyzed. An initial analysis scope is set by default. With the SonarScanner for Maven, the initial analysis scope is: For source files: all the files stored undersrc/main/java(in the root or module directories). ...