SonarLint in IntelliJ.The SonarLint IntelliJ plug-in allows you to see an easy report about code issues right inside IntelliJ. It runs an immediate analysis as you change code, and by ‘binding’ your plug-in with the OpenLMIS SonarQube server, it uses the same set of rules and checks....
SonarQube is one of the most popular open source static code analysis tools available in the market. It helps software professionals to measure thecode qualityand identify non-compliant code. The SonarQube community is very active and provides continuous upgrades, new plug-ins and customizations. I...
@sonar.projectKey :-This is the Unique Key for the project - To get this, go to project detail page on SonarQube @sonar.projectName:-This is optional, as per your project name. @sonar.exclusions:- Folder or files name which you want to exclude from the scanner. Go to the folder whe...
It provided us with an additional stream of warnings, revealing different errors hidden in formally correct code fragments. Now, thanks to Clang, we’re one step closer to compilation (in the context of potential porting to macOS). Read also: Using SonarQube for Static Code Analysis: Benefits...