I am using GitLab as my SCM and CI tool and the circlecihq/gitlab-sonar-scanner docker image to run sonar scanner as part of my build of a Python project. I am able to get Sonar results in Sonar Cloud, but the code coverage is still at 0%. I can see the coverage ...
We have a Sonar CLI code analysis job pushing results to Sonarcloud. The open source code in the project is mostly Python, and the web portal is showing: 0.0% Coverage on New Code The source code being scanned can be found here: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/smo/ves,ge...
Here I am using Jococo Android Plugin When I use sonar.jacoco.reportPaths for my Android Project to report code coverage it shows the coverage properly, but when I use sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths then it is not showing coverage ...
C:\sonar-scanner-msbuild-4.5.0\sonar-scanner-\bin> sonar-scanner.bat -Dsonar.projectKey=AngularSonar -Dsonar.projectName=AngularSonar -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=C:/Projects/Dev/Products/ClientWorksAccount/Main/ClientWorksAccount.Web -Dsonar.sources=C:/Projects/De...
CodeCoverageDTO.java 该文件主要封装覆盖率数据生成报告的时候需要的一些属性,如数据文件、src 源码、class 文件、报告存放文件等等。 import java.io.File; /** * @author : Administrator * @since : 2019 年 3 月 6 日 下午 7:53:02 * @see : ...
在Add Post-build Actions步骤中选择Record JaCoco coverage report 修改Path to exec file,Path to class directories等属性,按照pom文件中定义好的填写。 注意:一定要将上图Inclusions中的内容删除,否则覆盖率扫描到的类就会为0 下面是配置好的属性,可供参考 ...
If the sonar beam opening angle in the x–y plane at point I is φmin, and the maximum beam angle in the vertical plane is θmax, the maximum speed V (unit: m/s) of the towfish in the x-direction, to obtain a nearly 100% coverage of the seabed without gaps between two ...
参考号:Sonar Code Coverage 找不到工作引用链接。这里是辅助链接:Baeldung Sonar and jacoco ...
参考号:Sonar Code Coverage 找不到工作引用链接。这里是辅助链接:Baeldung Sonar and jacoco ...
Coverage path planningSensor data-driven coverageSide-scan sonarMapping an unknown large-scale marine area by a side-scan sonar onboard a marine vehicle as quickly as possible is often of great importance. It is also important that a-priori unknown interesting parts of the area are scanned in ...