Sonar 提高Java实体类 Coverage on New Code 在完成SonarQube的安装之后,我们开始将工作继续向前推进——将校验的工作前置到研发人员的工作机上,正如SonarLint首页所宣称的"Fix issues before they exist"。本文以Eclipse为例给出SonarLint的安装指南。 1. 概述 虽然有了SonarQube来检测和量化SVN代码库的质量,但"解决...
@文心快码BaiduComatesonarqube coverage on new code 文心快码BaiduComate SonarQube中的新代码覆盖率分析 1. 什么是SonarQube的代码覆盖率 SonarQube是一款开源的代码质量管理工具,它通过静态代码分析来检测代码中的错误、漏洞、代码异味等。代码覆盖率是衡量测试覆盖了多少代码的一种指标,它可以帮助开发者了解哪些代码...
Line coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的行覆盖度 Lines to cover on new code:新增或更新代码覆盖的行数 Uncovered conditions on new code:新增或更新代码未覆盖的条件数 Uncovered lines on new code:新增或更新代码未覆盖的行数 Coverage:行覆盖和条件覆盖的混合。单元测试覆盖多少源代码。Coverage = (CT ...
EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover) 所有可执行的代码总行数 4.2 Line coverage 单元测试覆盖行数密度 Line coverage = LC / EL LC = covered lines (lines_to_cover - uncovered_lines) 已覆盖的行数 EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover) 所有可执行的代码总行...
--Code Smells: --New Debt:新增技术负俩 --New Code Smells: Duplications:重复率,即代码内部的重复代码 --Duplications:重复 --Duplicated Blocks:重复块 指标 Reliability: Security:安全性 Maintainability: Coverage:单元测试缺陷 --Uncovered Lines on New Code: ...
2.Code coverage on new code greater than 80%新代码的代码覆盖率大于80%等Ideally,all projects will be verified against the same quality gate, but that's notalways practical. For instance, you may find that:理想情况下,所有项目都将通过相同的质量检验关进行验证,但这并不总是实用的。例如,你可能...
Have a code coverage on new code greater than 80% Have no new blocker or critical issues on new code Have a Tech Debt ratio on new code greater than 5 There are all relative to the previous version of the project as defined in the build task settings: ...
SonarLint is a Visual Studio 2017, 2019, and 2022 extension that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues in C#, VB.NET, C/C++, TypeScript and JavaScript to help produceClean Code. SonarLint is free, open source, and available in the Visual Studio Market...