Name: Romana Echensperger Nationality: German At the moment: Germany Master of Wine - Wine Consultant and Journalist Interesting link: click @ by Dominik Kozlik – Zeitgeist Sommeliers - Read More February 9, 2020 Mr. Loïk Tavernier - France/Switzerland - Chef Sommeli...
We checked in with nine wine pros fromWine SpectatorRestaurant Award winners—including some at newly announced2020 honorees—and found that summer has them in a creative mood. Some are working several jobs, selling big-ticket bottles, mocktails and everything in between to their returning customer...
Emily is now a single mum to a five year old, combining different jobs around the area. I know I’d rather have been in a beautiful winery in Tuscany, scented with mediterranean herbs and tinkling with birdsong, rather grinding it out in London. Her terraced ‘agriturismo’ ...
they were all like, 'Oh yeah, me too,' or, 'It took my aunt two months, don't worry.' So it's not a big issue. But all I could do was sell the wines I knew, so if it had lasted a lot longer, it would have been less and less percentage of the ...