That you, found a girl and your married now. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。 Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you. 料得是,卿识君望。 Old friend, why are you so shy? 旧日知己,何故张皇? It ain't like you to hold bac...
Adele--Someone Like You 最美的文言版《另寻沧海》_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili 《另寻沧海》 I heard, that your settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and yourmarriednow. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。 Guess she ...
That you, found a girl and you're married now。遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true。已闻君,得偿所想。 Guess she gave you things, I didn’t give to you。料得是,卿识君望。 Old friend, why are you so shy?旧日知己,何故张皇? It ain’t like you to hold back o...
Adele《Someone Like You》文言文版歌词了解一下《另寻沧海》I heard, that your settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and yourmarriednow. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。 Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you. 料得...
someone like u (Adele) 文言翻译 Adele哭了!Someone Like You 文言文版《另寻沧海》 Adele的经典歌曲《Someone Like You》相信很多人都能哼上几句。最近有位牛人把这首歌的歌词翻译成了文言文!于是此歌李白杜甫听得懂了,阿呆姐一秒钟变李清照,激动地哭了……歌曲:Someone like you 另寻沧海歌手:Adele ...
阿黛尔在听说前男友结婚的消息后写下了这首歌曲,《Someone Like You》的旋律优美而忧伤,阿黛尔用伤感的声音告诉我们,那些让你铭记的爱情都是带着伤痛的,即使那么多年过去,我们也希望爱过的人依然记得自己。 有位网络牛人把这首歌的歌词翻译成了文言文,题目叫《另寻沧海》,果断被戳到了泪点。
Old friend, why are you so shy? 都老朋友了,干嘛那么害羞。 It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie. 一点都不像你了,好像你在掩饰谎言。 I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited. 我不想出其不意不请自来。
歌曲:Someone like you 另寻沧海 歌手:Adele 阿黛拉 文言文版中文歌词: I heard, that you're settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and you're married now. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。
歌曲:Someone like you 另寻沧海 歌手:Adele 阿黛拉 文言文版中文歌词: I heard, that you're settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and you're married now. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。
歌曲:Someone like you 另寻沧海 歌手:Adele 阿黛拉 文言文版中文歌词: I heard, that your settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and you're married now. 遇佳人,不久婚嫁。 I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。