I'll find someone like you. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。 I wish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。 Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said: 勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。 "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" “情堪隽永,也善心潮...
Nevermind, I'll find someone likeyou. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。 Iwish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。 Don'tforget me, I beg, I remember yousaid: 勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。 "Sometimesit lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" “情堪隽永,也善心潮掀...
Never mind, I’ll find someone like you。毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。 I wish nothing but the best, for you too。抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。 Don’t forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。 “Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead”“情堪隽永,也...
Someone li..Someone like you 另寻沧海 --Adele 阿黛拉I heard, that your settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。That you, found a
《Someone Like You》这首英文歌曲正当风靡。它由音乐风格以“心碎的灵魂”著称的阿黛拉演唱,歌曲讲述了自己心爱的人却另有所属的爱情经历,歌词大意中失落伤心的灵魂里不失积极、乐观、以及对心爱之人无限温柔的祝福。中国传统情人节七夕来临之际,让我们来感受一下把这首歌曲用独具中国风的文言文翻译出来是不是别...
《Someone Like You》 文言风翻译,果断被戳中泪点了……中文真是全世界最美的语言了! 膜拜这位大神级别的翻译!看了翻译我哭了,好感动!!! [din赞好][din看看][din说话][din看看][din挥手]LSomeone Like You 文言文字幕 Adele 欢迎关注欧美第一音乐微博@欧美流行最前线 ¡查看图片 ...
《Someone Like You》英语 “像你这样的人”(汉语)“如此者”(文言文)《百度文言文翻译》
It ain't like you to hold back orhide from the lie. 遮遮掩掩,欲盖弥彰。一点都不像你了,好像你在掩饰谎言。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvi ted.客有不速,实非我所想。我不想出其不意不请自来。ButI couldn't stay away, I couldn't ...
Someone Li..I heard, that you're settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。 That you, found a girl and you're married now.遇佳人,不久婚嫁。