, where −1α< We also give periodic versions of these results where the approximating functions are trigonometric polynomials of bounded degree.EmanuelCarneiroJeffreyD.VaalerEBSCO_AspConstructive ApproximationCarneiro, E., Vaaler, J.D.: Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, II. Trans. Am. ...
49 NIKA SALIA_ EXTREMAL PROBLEMS IN PLANAR GRAPHS 1:22:04 A survey of Büthe's method for estimating prime counting functions 39:09 Examples of well-behaved Beurling number systems 1:16:36 MIKOLAJ FR_CZYK_ DENSITY CONJECTURE FOR HORIZONTAL FAMILIES OF LATTICES 1:04:27 Twisted moments of ...
This paper describes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for use in unstructured environments that is effective regardless of the geom... L Pedraza,Rodriguez-Losada, D,F Matia,... - 《IEEE Transactions on Robotics》 被引量: 58发表: 2009年 Some extremal properties of polynom...
0 For any finite Borel measure m on M , we define H := H01(M, F, m) as the closure of the set of differentiable functions with compact support Cc∞(M ), with respect to the norm u := u 2 L2(m) + Du 2 L2 (m) . The functionals λk and Ef are defined as in (2.1) ...
The adjectives also combine with other sorts of nouns, including equations, solutions, functions and vectors. The story of the terminology ranges across algebra, analysis and mechanics, classical and quantum physics.Modern expositions of spectral theory often begin with a matrix A and introduce value...
D. Vaaler, Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 5803-5843.E. Carneiro and J. D. Vaaler, Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear).
Carneiro, E., Vaaler, J.D.: Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, II. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 362 , 5803–5843 (2010) MATH MathSciNetE. Carneiro and J. D. Vaaler, Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, III, Constr. Ap- prox. 31, No. 2 (2010), 259-288....
fourier transformationclass of functionsmajorantaverage v-widthwidthA number of extremal problems of approximation theory of functions have been solved on the real line R. Exact constants in the Jackson-type inequalities in the space L_2(R) are calculated. The exact values of average v-widths ...
fourier transformationclass of functionsmajorantaverage v-widthwidthA number of extremal problems of approximation theory of functions have been solved on the real line R. Exact constants in the Jackson-type inequalities in the space L_2(R) are calculated. The exact values of average v-widths ...
The S-determinate measure μ 0 on [ 0 , ∞ ) in Case 2 is the Nevanlinna-extremal measure and the corresponding Pick function coincides with a constant equal to zero. Hence, μ 0 is a discrete measure concentrated on the zeros of the D-function in the Nevanlinna parametrization, D ( x...