Coriasco, A Su¨ ß. On temperate distributions decaying at infinity (2016), to appear in Volume: Generalized functions and Fourier analysis, Series: "Operator Theory: Advances and Applications" (Editors: M.Oberguggenberger, J.Toft, J.Vindas, P.Wahlberg), Birkha¨ user/Springer...
generalized adj. 一般化 analysis n. 1.[U,C]分析(对事物的各个部分及其相互关系的研究) 2.[C]分析结果的报告 3.[U]精神分析 electro analysis 电解分析 micro analysis 微观分析,微量分析,显微分析 self analysis 自我分析 express analysis 快速分析 multi analysis 多方面分析,全面分析 nucleo analy...
英语解释 generalized Fourier analysis generalized Fourier analysis是什么意思、generalized Fourier analysis怎么读 generalized Fourier analysis汉语翻译 【计】 广义傅里叶分析
Á. Száz, On the structure of generalized functions derived from the convolutionD-module ℰ,Glasnik Math.,16 (1981), 287–296. Google Scholar Á. Száz, On the continuity of quotient multipliers,Mat. Vesnik, to appear. F. Treves,Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels, ...
This paper deals, both from the Fourier analysis and the circuit design point of view, with a large family of electronic power converters which synthesize the assigned slow-varying waveforms via highfrequency switching, thereby needing very little reactive elements. A general condition for high-freque...
网络广义傅里叶分析 网络释义 1. 广义傅里叶分析 ... generalized Fick's law 广义菲克定律generalized Fourier analysis广义傅里叶分析generalized function 广义函数 ...|基于20个网页
Application of the Wigner distribution to harmonic analysis of generalized stochastic processes / by Augustus Josephus Elizabeth Maria Janssen Genetic algorithms (GAs) and evolution strategies (ESs) are two widely used evolutionary algorithms. The main differences between GAs and ESs lie in their ... ...
A. and Córdoba, A. J. (1989). Band-limited functions:L pconvergence.Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 313, 655–669. MR 90g:42017 Article MATH MathSciNet Google Scholar Beckner, W. (1975). Inequalities in Fourier analysis.Ann. of Math. 102, 159–182. MR 52 #6317 Article MathSciNet ...
The correction problem and the space §2. Irremovable singularities §3. Homeomorphisms of the circle: Bohr's theorem and Luzin's problem §4. The generalized Bohr theorem §5. Singularity of homeomorphisms transforming into §6. SupplementsReferences关键词: Summation of series ...
We give Littlewood–Paley type characterizations for Besov–Triebel–Lizorkin–type spacesBpqsτ,Fpqsτand Besov-Morrey spacesNuqpson a special Lipschitz domainΩ⊂Rn: for a suitable sequence of Schwartz functions(ϕj)j=0∞, ‖f‖Bpqsτ(Ω)≈supPdyadic cubes|P|−τ‖(2jsϕj∗f)j...