Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Robles-Fernandez I, Martinez- Herrera J, Garcia-Rodriguez G, Pascual-Geler M, Cozar JM, Lorente JA. Somatic mutations in prostate Cancer: closer to personalized medicine. Mol Diagn Ther. 2016;21(2):167-178....
Sinceitsinitialreleasein2004,COSMIChasgrowntoincludedatafromnearly4800genes investigatedforsomaticmutationsincancer;almost250000tumorsampleshavebeen investigated,resultinginover50000mutations.Thesystemisregularlyupdated,receiving newdataonceeverytwomonths.COSMICnowcontainsdetailsofmostofthegenes ...
The COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) database and website have been developed to store somatic mutation data in a single location and display the data and other information related to human cancer. To populate this resource, data has currently been extracted from reports in the...
nm.2018-Immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer 热度: use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of cancer pain:阿片类镇痛药在癌症疼痛治疗中的应用 热度: RESEARCHOpenAccess Functionalconsequencesofsomaticmutationsin ...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers high sensitivity, ease of use, and accurate data quality for analyzing even rare somatic mutations successfully.
Recent advances in technological tools for massively parallel, high-throughput sequencing of DNA have enabled the comprehensive characterization of somatic mutations in a large number of tumour samples. In this Review, we describe recent cancer genomic studies that have assembled emerging views of the ...
Metabolic reprogramming is one of the important hallmarks of cancer and plays a crucial role in cancer progression and development [1]. A wide range of metabolic shifts occur in cancer cells as a result of environmental changes and mutations introduced to metabolic genes, oncogenes, and tumor sup...
COSMIC ( curates comprehensive information on somatic mutations in human cancer. Release v48 (July 2010) describes over 136,000 coding mutations in almost 542,000 tumour samples; of the 18,490 genes documented, 4803 (26%) have one or more mutations. Full sci...
Emerging patterns of somatic mutations in cancer Recent advances in technological tools for massively parallel, high-throughput sequencing of DNA have enabled the comprehensive characterization of somatic... IR Watson,K Takahashi,PA Futreal,... - 《Nature Reviews Genetics》...
Wang, Q. et al. Detecting somatic point mutations in cancer genome sequencing data: a comparison of mutation callers.Genome Med.5, 91 (2013). ArticleGoogle Scholar Kim, S. Y. & Speed, T. P. Comparing somatic mutation-callers: beyond Venn diagrams.BMC Bioinformatics14, 189 (2013). ...