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We have to solve the logarithmic equation log5x=−2 We know the log rule, which says that: {eq}\mathrm{If}\:\log...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Try it risk-free for 30 days Try it risk-free Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough homework and...
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It is the unique positive number a such that the graph of the function y = a has a slope of 1 at x = 0. One has displaystylee=exp(1), where displaystyleexp is the (natural) exponential function, the unique function that equals its own derivative and satisfies the equation displaystyle...
Letp(t)=10(0.001)tandq(t)logt3.solve the equationq(p(t))=0fort. Question: Letp(t)=10(0.001)tandq(t)logt3.solve the equationq(p(t))=0fort. Logarithmic Equation: The given equation is a logarithmic equation. These types of equations can be solved using ...
It is the unique positive number a such that the graph of the function y = a has a slope of 1 at x = 0. One has displaystylee=exp(1), where displaystyleexp is the (natural) exponential function, the unique function that equals its own derivative and satisfies the equation displaystyle...
Solve each logarithmic equation: 1. log 5 ( x 2 ) = 2 2. 3 log 3 x = log 3 8 3. log 4 x + log 4 ( x + 6 ) = 2 Find the logarithms of 125 to base Solve the logarithmic equation: log x + log ( x + 15 ) = 2 Solve the logarithmic equation algebr...
Solve the following expressions: a) ln (35.2) b) log \frac{3}{4} Solve the logarithmic equation algebraically: ln ( x + 5 ) = ln ( x 1 ) ln ( x + 1 ) Solve the logarithmic equation. ln x + ln (x + 1) = ln 56 Solve for x. ln (x + 1) ^{(x - 1)^2} = 0, ...