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We have already seen that everylogarithmic equationlogb(x)=ylogb(x)=yis equivalent to the exponential equationby=xby=x. We can use this fact, along with the rules of logarithms, to solve logarithmic equations where the argument is an algebraic e...
The amount of effort involved in solving quadratic equations using this mixed trigonometric and logarithmic table look-up strategy was two-thirds the effort using logarithmic tables alone. Calculating complex roots would require using a different trigonometric form. To illustrate, let us assume we had...
The given equation is a logarithmic equation. These types of equations can be solved using the basic properties of the logarithm. Some of the basic logarithmic properties are: logam=mlogalog(ab)=loga+logblog(ab)=loga−logb ...
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