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EXPERIENCES OF MISSION IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDSCampion, MaryJournal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society
Even Solomon Islands is expanding diplomatic connections. Regionally, the change can be seen in the Melanesian Spearhead Group, which now counts Indonesia among its members, and in Fiji's push for its own vision of Pacific regionalism. Australia and New Zealand nevertheless remain the indispensable ...
摘要: SSGM and the Centre for Democratic Institutions (CDI) are leading an observation of the 2014 Solomon Islands parliamentary elections, scheduled to take place on November 19. DOI: 收藏...
Solomon IslandsThe Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands was conceived in the 'state-building moment' that informed Western responses to 'state failure' over the past two decades. That moment has Now passed with renewed fiscal austerity, growing scepticism with interventionism, ...
The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) is a unique example of a substantial regional response to a significant regional challenge. Since beinginvited in RAMSI, in partnership with the Solomon Islands government and people, has made considerable progress in addressing many of the ...
Antipodean statebuilding: The regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands
The 2003-17 Australian and New Zealand-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) is widely considered to be a comparatively successful peacebuilding mission. Jon Fraenkel argues that a fuller assessment of RAMSI needs to consider the low intensity of the preceding conflict, and the...
'If we win the women' : the lives and work of female missionaries at the Methodist mission in the Solomon Islands, 1902-1942 / 1998. “If we win the women”: The lives and work of female missionaries at the Methodist Mission in Solomon Islands, 1902–1941. PhD thesis, ......
Barbara, Julien, `Antipodean Statebuilding: The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands and Australian Intervention in the South Pacific', Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol.2, No.2, June 2008, pp.123-49.Barbara, Julien (2008) `Antipodean Statebuilding: the Regional Assistance ...