flag of the Solomon Islandsnational flag consisting of triangles of blue and green separated by a yellow diagonal stripe. In the upper hoist corner are five white stars. The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 1 to 2. The British protectorate that was established over theSolomon Islandsin ...
Santa Cruz Islands, volcanic group of islands in the country of Solomon Islands, southwestern Pacific Ocean, 345 miles (555 km) east of Guadalcanal. The main islands are Nendö (also called Ndeni Island or Santa Cruz Island), Utupua, Vanikolo, and Tina
Manam IslandThe volcanic island of Manam, off the northeast coast of Papua New Guinea in the Bismarck Sea.(more) Papua New Guinea, island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It encompasses the eastern half of New Guinea, the world’s second largest island (the western half is made up...