handie 控标 Anarrow,square,orcirclethatyoucandragtoacthesizeorpositionofanentity(afeature,dimensiorsketchentity,forexample). j您可拖动来调整实体(如特征、尺寸、或草图o实体)的大小或位置的箭头、方框、或圆。 helix 螺旋线 Acurvedefinedbypitch,revolutions,andheight.丿helixcanbeused,forexample,asapathfor...
Since Tutor2 is square, the top and right views communicate the same information. Only two views are necessary to fully describe the shape of Tutor2. 2 Create Front and Top views. Add an Isometric view. 3 Import the dimensions from the part. 4 Create a note on the drawing to label ...
W PhotoView 360 is added in, the DisplayMa nager a provides access to PhotoView optio ns.ien lsodock point停放点A point on an anno tati on, show n by a dashed red注解上的一个点,由带虚线的红方块显示,您square, where 46、you can attach a multi-jog leader.可在此附加多转折引线。docume...
11.SolidWorks Tutorials 4:Rectangle Sketching Tool Rectangle sketch tool is one of the useful tool to draw rectangle or square sketches instantly in solidworks graphics area. There are different types of rectangle tool such as center rectangle, corner rectangle, 3 point center rectangle, 3 point co...
From the DisplayManager, you can view applied content, and add, edit, or delete items. When PhotoView 360 is added in, the DisplayManager also provides access to PhotoView options. dock point A point on an annotation, shown by a dashed red square, where you can attach a multi-jog leader...
4 Right-click near the lower-right corner of the square sketch and select Show Connector. The nearest connector appears. 5 Drag the upper connector handle on the ellipse as shown to reposition it. 6 Right-click in the graphics area and select Undo connector edit. The handle returns to its...
From the DisplayManager, you can view applied content, and add, edit, or delete items. Wh 47、en PhotoView 360 is added in, the DisplayManager also provides access to PhotoView options. dock point 停放点 A point on an annotation, shown by a dashed red square, where you can attach a ...
2. If the Extrude PropertyManager appears, select the sketch by clicking any line in the square. Otherwise, go to the next step. A preview of the extrude appears. 103 Step-by-Step Lesson 3. In the PropertyManager: a) Set Depth to 100. b) Click . The 2D sketch changes to a 3D ...
handle 控标 Anarrow,square,orcirclethatyoucandragtoadjust您可拖动来调整实体(如特色、尺寸、或草图 thesizeorpositionofanentity(afeature,dimension,实体)的大小或地点的箭头、方框、或圆。 orsketchentity,forexample). helix 螺旋线 Acurvedefinedbypitch,revolutions,andheight.A由螺距、圈数和高度所定义的曲线...
handle控标An arrow, square, or circle that you can drag to adjust 63、 the size or position of an entity (a feature, dimension, or sketch entity, for example).您可拖动来调整实体(如特征、尺寸、或草图实体)的大小或位置的箭头、方框、或圆。helix螺旋线A curve defined by pitch, revolutions, ...