Sweet Home 3Da free 3D furniture design software that can be used for planning the placement of furniture as well as residential designs. It also allows you to view your 2D drawing in 3D, allowing you get an aerial perspective on how your furniture will be placed. ...
Login to view your learning record 63 LecturesCompleted Chapter01:Clarisse Introduction Propaganda and guidance:introduction Free Trailer Section 01: Basic Courses - clarisse menu bar explanation Free Trailer Section 02:Basic Courses - clarisse menu bar explanation Free Trailer Section 03:Basic ...
36、ew1 As DrawingViewSet myView1 = mySheet.Views.Add(Front View)Call myView1.Activate Translating the front view (A0: 840mm X 1188mm)CATIA V5 AutomationDetailed StepsCOPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 200217myView1.x = 400myView1.y = 150 Defining the front viewDim myGeneB1 As DrawingViewGenerati...