發佈至 3DCloudByMe PropertyManager 疑難排解模型組態中的草圖平面使用草圖平面 PropertyManager,可以組態草圖所在的平面。您可以在不同的模型組態中,將單個草圖放在不同的平面上。 在模型組態中變更草圖平面︰ 在FeatureManager(特徵管理員)中用右鍵按一下草圖,然後選擇編輯草圖平面。 草圖平面PropertyManager出現。
草图所在的基准面可以通过草图基准面 PropertyManager 进行配置。在不同的配置中,可以将单个草图放在不同的基准面上。 要在配置中更改草图基准面: 在FeatureManager 设计树中,用右键单击草图,然后选择编辑草图基准面。 就会出现草图基准面PropertyManager。 执行以下操作之一: 在图形区域中单击您...
The new quick align tool is a powerful tool when it comes to adding contours to your shape. Draw your sketch and watch as the entire shape maps your topology. Planes can also be used to create symmetry in your model. Now available for xShape is the familiar Convert Entities tool to easi...
Three-dimensional geometry in SolidWorks is constructed from sketches, which are most often two-dimensional and drawn on planes. Sketches can become three-dimensional curves when using theProjected Curve, Fit Spline, Spline On Surface, or3D Sketchcommand. Every sketch contains dimensions defining the ...
s say you wanted to create more sketch entities on top of a 3D sketch. You can create a new plane, start a new sketch, and create a center line. Select the Dynamic Mirror Tool so anything you create on any sketch entity on one side is duplicated on the other side of your center ...
Once the first sketch has been created, subsequent sketches will not automatically show these planes, although they can still be used. Additionally, any planar or flat faces of existing geometry can be used as sketching surfaces. To proceed, select one of the planes in the graphics area: ...
Planes Axes Temporary Axes Origins Coordinate Systems Curves Sketches 3D Sketch Planes 3D Sketch Dimensions All Annotations Points Routing Points Parting Lines Sketch Relations Options Save eDrawings data in SolidWorks document has been removed from Tools, Options, System Options, General and from File,...
Connecting two parts on SW MBD I cannot connect these two part on the same Sketch. They are in different planes. How can I connect them so the fillet would look like this image? SolidworksGeneral SOLIDWORKS User Forum 4年前 SolidWorks 2020 SP1 freezing when deleting an assembly On one...
SOLIDWORKS 视频教程 -223 : Fishing hook - 3D sketch (钓鱼钩) 上传者:caicent_2017 20:39 SOLIDWORKS 视频教程 -224 : Badminton Ball (planes) (羽毛球) 上传者:caicent_2017 10:02 SOLIDWORKS 视频教程 -225 : Drill bit for hard materials (硬物钻头) ...
model模型3Dsolidgeometryinapartorassemblydocument.零件或装置体文件中的?3D?实体几何体。假如 Ifapartorassemblydocumentcontainsmultiple零件或装置体文件包含多个配置,每个配置为 configurations,eachconfigurationisaseparate独自的模型。 model. modeldimension模型尺寸Adimensionspecifiedinasketchorafeatureina在定义?3D?模型中...