Why do you need to understand plane creation? You’ll find that 90% of the time sketches can be created by simply starting a new sketch and selecting the part’s face that you wish to sketch on. However, what happens when you need to create a feature that is not perpendicular to any ...
Create sketch on new part Opens a new part with an active sketch on the Front Plane. Override dimensions on drag/moveOverrides dimensions when you drag sketch entities or move the sketch entity in the Move PropertyManager. The dimension updates after the drag is complete. ...
You can create planes in part or assembly documents. You can use planes to sketch, to create a section view of a model, for a neutral plane in a draft feature, and so on. Plane PropertyManager You select geometry and apply constraints to the geometry to define reference planes. Creating ...
swModel.SketchManager.InsertSketch TrueswModel.ClearSelection2 TrueDim skSegment As SketchSegmentSet skSegment = swModel.SketchManager.CreateEquationSpline2("", "sin(x)", "", "0", "6.28", False, 0, 0, 0, True, True)swModel.ViewZoomtofit2Stop'Examine t...
草图绘制包括添加直线、圆弧、样条曲线等几何元素,以及使用尺寸约束和几何约束来精确定义草图形状。 In sketch drawing in part mode, the first step is to draw a 2D sketch on a reference plane or plane as the basis for the 3D model. Sketching involves adding geometric elements such as lines, ar...
然后使用智能尺寸标注平行边之间间隔27毫米,完成后选择凸台拉伸,深度设置为10毫米。完成后得到一个六棱柱。 In this session, we will be creating a screw in SolidWorks. To begin with, after launching SolidWorks, we select a part document and choose to sketch on the top plane (front view). Fro...
SetswFeat=swPart.FeatureManager.CreateExtrudedBossBase(_ swPart.SketchManager.CreateSketchOnPlane(swPart.SketchManager.GetFirstPlane, True),_ swPart.Lengths.Item(1),_ swPart.Lengths.Item(1),_ swPart.Lengths.Item(1),_ swPart.Lengths.Item(1),_ swPart.Lengths.Item(1),_ swPart.Lengths.Item...
按照下图的样子线绘制一条无限长的构造线,然后最画好草图轮廓,标好尺寸。接着一如既往的选择旋转凸体,这样就有了大致的轮廓。然后俯视电机,画一个圆,再标记好尺寸。然后再通过圆周阵列绘制。 After completing the anti cutting sleeve, create a new part and select a reference plane to sketch. Draw ...
you may want to add flat ends for a ground spring. For an open spring, skip to step seven. Select the second sketch. Create a plane perpendicular to the centerline of the spring. This should be parallel with the top plane. These planes will mark where your ground spring flat ends are ...