You can save one or more component instances as a new file from within an assembly. The assembly points to the new file for the selected instances only. The other instances in the assembly point to the original file. To save one or more component instances as a new...
You can save one or more component instances as a new file from within an assembly. The assembly points to the new file for the selected instances only. The other instances in the assembly point to the original file. To save one or more component instances as a new...
// 1. Open an assembly document that contains a component that // has a surface offset feature. // 2. Select the component's surface offset feature. // 3. Open the Immediate window. // // Postconditions: Inspect the Immediate window. //--- using Microsoft.VisualBasic; using System; ...
You can save part, assembly, and drawing files to the hard drive of your system. In general, you will have folders on your system that organize your files, usually by project. Note: This book is written with the assumption that your files are in and saved to the SolidWorks Test Drive ...
I didn't click anything that I know of, but all my assembly component colors disappeared. It may be super easy to get them back, but I can't find any search that answers the question. Restarting SW doesn't change it. I didn't save the assembly. ...
Yes, it is very important to position your components in assembly interface. You have to fix the any one of the component to perform the assembly function in the graphics area. You can perform move, rotate or fix features in this graphics area. It is very important to fix the component,...
DynamicClearance动向空隙Anassemblyfunctionthatdetectstheclearance为检测零零件挪动或旋转时零零件之间空隙 betweencomponentswhenthecomponentsmove的装置体功能。空隙为一零零件上的实体与另 orrotate.Theclearanceistheminimumdistance一零零件上的任何实体之间的最小距离。 betweenanyentityononecomponenttoanyentity onanother...
Dim swAssy As SldWorks.AssemblyDocSetswAssy=swModel Dim vComps As Variant'获取当前选择的零部件 vComps=GetSelectedComponents(swModel.SelectionManager)IfNotIsEmpty(vComps)Then Dim i As Integer Dim path As String'获取零部件的物理地址 path=vComps(0).GetPathName()Fori=1ToUBound(vComps)IfLCase(vCo...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win