在SolidWorks中,通常有几种方法可以把装配体(Assembly)转换成单个零件(Part),这样可以方便地作为一个整体进行操作或进一步处理。以下是两种常用的方法:保存副本为零件:打开你想要转换的装配体。点击菜单栏上的“文件”(File)。选择“另存为”(Save As)。在“文件类型”(File Type)中选择“SolidWork...
アセンブリを部品として保存(Save Assembly as Part)PropertyManager を開くには:アセンブリで、ファイル(File) > 異なるフォーマットとしてエクスポート(Export As)をクリックします。 ファイルの種類にSOLIDWORKS 部品(*.PRT;*.SLDPRT)(SOLIDWORKS Part (*.PRT;*.SLDPRT))を...
将装配体另存为零件时,您可以基于指定条件包括或移除零部件以简化保存的零件。 您可以使用以下条件来将装配体另存为简化的零件: 模型外部零部件的可见性。 零部件的大小(体积)。 零部件是否是 Toolbox 零部件。 要将装配体另存为零件,请参阅 将装配体另存为零件 PropertyManager。 要指定用于将装配体另存为...
Save an assembly as a partAnother technique is to save the 3D object assembly as a part file (.asm → .prt). When you do this, you can choose to hide internal geometry, which increases the performance of your 3D object and also helps maintain confidentiality about the inner workings of ...
Part and assembly models are exported as bitmap images. Instructions found elsewhere claim that *.AI is an available format in Solidworks' Save As.. dialog, but this sentence suggests that "models" would export in raster format. That would be consistent with my experience; there are...
swModel.Extension.SaveAs(@"D:\09_Study\CSharpAndSolidWorks\CSharpAndSolidWorks\TemplateModel\TempAssembly.sldasm",0, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent,"",referrors,refwarinings);//step2:打开已有零件stringmyNewPartPath =@"D:\09_Study\CSharpAndSolidWorks\CSharpAndSolidWorks\Template...
If the Part you are saving is used in a Drawing or Assembly, you will see this message box. This indicates that if you CONTINUE with the SAVE AS process, the Drawings and Assemblies referencing this file will UPDATE and point to the NEW FILE. ...
Starting in SOLIDWORKS 2019 you don’t need to save your assemblies as parts in order to insert a bounding box for them. The assembly bounding box can be created directly in the assembly level using the same calculations that were used previously in the part level. ...
DimswModelAsObject SetswModel=swApp.Documents.Add(SolidWorks.PartTemplate) DimswPartAsObject SetswPart=swModel DimswFeatAsObject SetswFeat=swPart.FeatureManager.CreateExtrudedBossBase(_ swPart.SketchManager.CreateSketchOnPlane(swPart.SketchManager.GetFirstPlane, ...
SOLIDWORKS Multi-sheet Custom Properties Source How to Use Save As with References How to Troubleshoot Graphical Issues How to Enable or Disable SOLIDWORKS Add-ins Open Assemblies or Drawings Without Referenced Part Files Show all articles( 21 ) ...