Now you want to make a copy of this sketch to use on a different plane or face. You want to ensure that the two sketches will always be the same, so that if you modify the original sketch, the new sketch is updated to reflect the same changes. How can you achieve this?
Note: If you are presented with a yellow dialog box asking you to select a plane on which to create the feature cross-section when creating the Extruded Boss/Base, don’t panic! Simply select the sketch you created from the graphics area, and it will be used for the feature. Finally, ...
In the Sketch block make sure that Enable silhouettes is checked. To use a silhouette edge: 1 Working with a sketch open on a model face or plane (or working in an active drawing view), drag your cursor over a cylindrical face until the cursor changes to include a small cylinder next ...
SolidWorks 2005 What's New 3-5 Chapter 3 Features 2 Drag the triad from between the green and red arrows to deform the body along the X-Y plane. 3 In the PropertyManager, under Tool Body Position, set Delta Y to 60. The tool body repositions itself to 60mm above the Y axis ...
a) A sketch ellipse offset by zero from the centerline of the model and angled zero degrees from the right plane b) An extrude of the sketch with an end condition offset from the top face of the remote c) A fillet applied to the face of the extrude d) A Variable Pattern of the ext...
SOLIDWORKS will completely remove the “Center Face Set” and replace this selection with a filleted face which is tangent to “Face Set1” and “Face Set2.” For example, Figure 20 shows a model with a rib in one of the corners. This rib is angled and has draft applied on each side...
液压拔道机是适用于铁道线路日常保养和维修的专用工具,。它的结构简单,操作方便,效率高,不侵入界限,使用安全可靠,是铁路作业的理想工具。技术参数1.最大起道力 200KN 6.额定油压 48mpa2.最大拔道力 200KN 7.手柄操作力 260N3.最大起道量 125mm 8.外形尺寸 550180240mm4.最大拔道量 80mm 9.净重 24Kg5....
Now you want to make a copy of this sketch to use on a different plane or face. You want to ensure that the two sketches will always be the same, so that if you modify the original sketch, the new sketch is updated to reflect the same changes. How can you achieve this?
Now you want to make a copy of this sketch to use on a different plane or face. You want to ensure that the two sketches will always be the same, so that if you modify the original sketch, the new sketch is updated to reflect the same changes. How can you achieve this?