If your first sketch is a top view, select the Top Plane. If your first sketch is a left or right view, select the Right Plane. You do not have to use one of the default planes for your first sketch; you can create a new plane at any angle. The orientation of views is still ...
• Creating a Plane at an Angle to an Existing Plane or a Planar Face To create a plane at an angle, choose the At Angle button from the Plane PropertyManager as shown in Figure A. Figure A The Plane PropertyManager with At Angle option selected Selecting the edge and planar face ...
If the selected line is in the same plane as the selected plane, the new plane rotates around the selected line. If the selected line is parallel to the selected plane, the new plane moves to the parallel line and rotates around the line. Multiple planes created at an angle to the selec...
然后使用智能尺寸标注平行边之间间隔27毫米,完成后选择凸台拉伸,深度设置为10毫米。完成后得到一个六棱柱。 In this session, we will be creating a screw in SolidWorks. To begin with, after launching SolidWorks, we select a part document and choose to sketch on the top plane (front view). Fro...
Now you want to make a copy of this sketch to use on a different plane or face. You want to ensure that the two sketches will always be the same, so that if you modify the original sketch, the new sketch is updated to reflect the same changes. How can you achieve this?
to the original surface, then using the Intersect option underInsert → Curve → Split Lineand selecting the section plane and surface. Now create a new sketch on the section plane and offset the split line to create the offset curve. Finally, draw the entire feature so it can be extruded...
and then click advanced button, you can make the parts to generate transparency effect36 to change the name of the feature, you can press the mouse two times slower on the name of the feature, and type a new name37 you can use the view on the menu to switch the reference plane, the...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win
With the new silhouette entities capability, you can create multiple sketch entities by projecting the outline of the bodies in a part or components in an assembly onto a parallel sketch plane. Silhouette entities create parametric sketch constraints on the model. You can use silhouette entities whe...
Next is cutting a hole for the headband. This was tricky because it is at a bit of an odd angle compared the model face/plane the sketch is placed on. The screenshot shows the cuttingsketch(oval) in blue. A separatesketch(orange) is created on the chamfered face. This orange sketch ...