Create Sketch.1. Sketch.1 is normal to the yz plane (Front). Quick Start xDesign is the Collaborative space. When you create a new component, the three default planes (xy), (yz), (zy) are aligned with specific views. The plane you select for your first sketch determines the orientat...
Creating an edge at an angle or perpendicular to the original surface is a popular design feature. TheRuled Surfacefeature underInsert → Surface → Ruled Surfaceallows that and offers theTapered to Vectoroption. This allows picking a reference edge as the direction vector and specifying an angle ...
Enter a plane name at the Command Line. Confirm the grid resoution at the Command Line. In order to record Fluence select the plane and then go to the Photopia Object Settings and check the box for "Fluence Mode" which converts the grid so that it collects “fluence rate” values rather...
ClickParting Lines(Mold Tools toolbar) orInsert>Molds>Parting Line. Mold Parameters Direction of PullDefines the direction that the cavity body is pulled to split the core and cavity. Select a plane, planar face, or edge. An arrow appears on the model. ...
6、on, and then generate a mirror line9, you can hold down the ctrl key and drag a reference surface to copy an equidistant datum plane quickly, then double-click the mouse on this base plane to precisely specify the distance size.10 you can change the order of features in the featurema...
Sketching Plane 2-3Relation between sketch, plane, and 3D model 2-4 Starting Sketch 2-4 Heads-up View Toolbar 2-5 Sketch Creation tools 2-7 Creating Line Tools 2-7 Creating Rectangle 2-10 Creating Slot 2-13 Creating Circle 2-15 ...
You can create holes on a plane with the Hole Wizard, as well as holes on planar and nonplanar faces. On models with multiple features, you can add hole wizard holes to any of the features in the model. Holes on a plane allows you to create holes at an angle to the feature.Face...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win
(选项框增量值) DV swSpinBoxEnglishLengthIncrement DV swSpinBoxMetricLengthIncrement DV swSpinBoxAngleIncrement 系统选项(视图旋转) DV swViewRotationArrowKeys IV SwViewRotationMoseSpeed 0=慢 ;100= 快 DV SwViewAnimationSpeed 0=关;0.5= 快 ;1.0;1.5;2.0;2.5;3.0= 慢 系统选项(备份) IV swAutoSave...