Plane or Planar Face and Passing Through a Point Selecting a planar face and a vertex Resulting plane • Creating a Plane at an Angle to an Existing Plane or a Planar Face To create a plane at an angle, choose the At Angle button from the Plane PropertyManager as shown in Figure A. ...
If your first sketch is a top view, select the Top Plane. If your first sketch is a left or right view, select the Right Plane. You do not have to use one of the default planes for your first sketch; you can create a new plane at any angle. The orientation of views ...
Function CreatePlaneAtSurface2( _ ByVal InterIndex As System.Integer, _ ByVal ProjOpt As System.Boolean, _ ByVal ReverseDir As System.Boolean, _ ByVal NormalPlane As System.Boolean, _ ByVal Angle As System.Double _ ) As System.Object ...
然后使用智能尺寸标注平行边之间间隔27毫米,完成后选择凸台拉伸,深度设置为10毫米。完成后得到一个六棱柱。 In this session, we will be creating a screw in SolidWorks. To begin with, after launching SolidWorks, we select a part document and choose to sketch on the top plane (front view). Fro...
create a rib, because it would not connect to the original surface in all places. To ensure a consistent overlap, we need to offset it into the solid body just enough so the extrusion will overlap on all sides. An offset curve can be created at a section plane to the original surface,...
This feature will create a surface (not a solid), so it’s a surface modeling feature. To use “Ruled Surface” to create a drafted surface, choose the “Tapered to Vector” option and choose your draft plane as the vector. Then, choose an edge to begin your new surface. Lastly, you...
A cup is a commonly used drinking tool in our daily life. Today, let's learn how to use SolidWorks to draw a regular cup. We first open SolidWorks software, open the part drawing, right-click on the top reference plane, and select sketch drawing. Next, select a circle, draw a circle...
Create Recording PlanesSOLIDWORKS Select a planar rectangular face in your model. It is important that the face be planar, rectangular, and not already assigned a Photopia Appearance. Click "Add Recording Plane" from the Photopia CommandManager tab. Define the grid name and description. Confirm...
6、on, and then generate a mirror line9, you can hold down the ctrl key and drag a reference surface to copy an equidistant datum plane quickly, then double-click the mouse on this base plane to precisely specify the distance size.10 you can change the order of features in the featurema...