tooltip appears next to the left of the Interaction name in thestudy tree. The tooltip in the study tree appears only for 0mm gap range values, while the tooltip inside interaction PropertyManagers always appears – more on the reasoning for that ...
Click OK . The new feature, Boss-Extrude1, is displayed in the FeatureManager design tree. TIP: The OK button on the PropertyManager is just one way to complete the command. A second method is the set of OK/Cancel buttons in the confirmation corner of the graphics area. A third method ...
SolidWorks offers a toolkit of surface and solid operations that create features, the building blocks of the design. Features are based on sketches and can be accessed in theFeature Tree. This is a history of the design’s construction which makes it possible to revert and modify the design ...
Turning off a layer in Rhino that contains sub-layers turns off all sub-layers in one click, just like turning off the display of a sub-assembly in a feature tree. Usage: Import the IGES or STEP file into a new Rhino model. Run the ExplodeBlocksToLayers command. Type "L" at the ...
Make Use Of The Feature Tree You can find the feature manager design tree on the left side of the SolidWorks window. It provides a view of the active part, assembly or drawing. With it, you can see how your model or assembly is constructed, and even examine the various sheets and views...
2. Go to Insert > Feature > Scale OR use Scale icon from the toolbar. 3. Select from the drop down for “scale about” 4. Choose uniform scale or uncheck it. 5. Key in the desired scale value. 6. If you have more than one configuration in the model, then you would see another...
To select a camera for editing, click its name or icon in the Camera tree. To switch to a different camera in the project, double-click its name or icon in the Camera tree, or drag the camera into the 3D Viewport. Camera Parameters The parameters are organized onto five subtabs: Genera...
If one part is instantiated N times in the SOLIDWORKS assembly tree then this importer will recognize such a situation and use Okino's core database master/instance capability to import the part just once and instantiate it N times. This feature can be disabled so that assembly-level part mod...
libarchive/mtree.5 * The following source files are in the public domain: libarchive/archive_getdate.c * The following source files are triple-licensed with the ability to choose from CC0 1.0 Universal, OpenSSL or Apache 2.0 licenses: libarchive/archive_blake2.h libarchive/archive_blake2_impl...
The panel on the left of the figure shows a feature tree, while the top of the figure shows the software’s modeling features. All the favorite features are there, ranging from sweeps, lofts, extrusions, fillets, mates and sheet metal functions. It should be very simple for SOLIDWORKS users...