您可以選擇 FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 的顯示選項。 若要存取這些選項,請在 FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 中的零件或組合件名稱上按右鍵,並按一下樹狀結構顯示。 顯示平坦的樹狀結構視圖 只有零件。 按照產生順序而不是以階層方式來顯示曲線、2D 草圖和 3D 草圖。 顯示特徵名稱 按照名稱顯示特徵。 您必須先...
參考樹狀結構顯示的增強功能 SOLIDWORKS PDM 會顯示經過改良、含次父限制條件的參考樹狀結構。 取得、設定修訂版、執行轉換(變更狀態)、複製樹狀結構和移動樹狀結構對話方塊及包含標籤會顯示只有一個節點的參考樹狀結構 (該節點是樹狀結構頂端顯示之所選檔案的節點)。 次父限制條件會顯示藍色檔名和一個朝上箭頭。 如果...
Unfortunately, when working with large assemblies, waiting for the item to scroll into view in the FeatureManager tree will be time consuming. Even worse, if you have SOLIDWORKS 2020 or older, attempting to isolate several components from an assembly opened in Large Design Review mode would trigge...
17、ponents in the assembly copy.31 drag and drop files from the explorer to the solidworks window so you can open multiple solidworks files at the same time.32 select settings in the featuremanager design tree, where you can drag a particular setting on a particular part into an ass emb ...
As shown in the Pro/ENGINEER model tree of Figure 6.16a, there are eight datum features and 14 solid features. SolidWorks will try to import these 14 solid features from Pro/ENGINEER. Sign in to download full-size image FIGURE 6.16. Part Import from Pro/ENGINEER to SolidWorks. (a) Gear ...
FeatureManager The FeatureManager® design tree is a unique part of the SolidWorks software that employs patented SolidWorks technology to visually display all of the features in a part, assembly, or drawing. As features are created, they are added to the FeatureManager. As a result, the ...
If you forgot to fix the component,SolidWorkswillfix first inserted componentby default. So, always insert the stationary part of your file into the SW assembly. By seeing the Features manager design tree, you can get idea about which component is fixed or float condition. The fixed component...
1059730SOLIDWORKS PDM -File Operations: Crash using Save As on assembly having missing/suppressed components in FM tree and SW add-in has 'automatically name files on save as with serial number'enabled. Note: This issue is fully addressed in SOLIDWORKS EPDM 2018 SP2.SOLIDWORKS PDM ...
s faces will probably turn transparent. If so, follow these instructions once more to reveal all the faces. If any transparency remains, it is probably connected to a particular feature or body.Be sure to look for any transparency settings in the Display Pane of the FeatureManager Design Tree...
The Quick access menu in File Explorer has settings to disable or clear recently accessed files. Changing those may reduce the frequency of the login prompts. A new feature to control the display of the login prompt is introduced in SOLIDWORKS PDM 2023 SP4 ...