You can choose to automatically change the color of overridden dimensions. Inserting Dimensions into Drawings Dimensions in a SOLIDWORKS drawing are associated with the model, and changes in the model are reflected in the drawing. Dimension Type Trailing Zeroes Document Properties - Dimensions You ...
// Open the part document referenced by the drawing document, // change a dimension, and save the document fileName ="C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\box.sldprt"; swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.sw...
Area Hatch/Fill) (16)8.4.6毛虫(Caterpillars)焊缝作为端点处理或毛虫符号 (16)8.5 建立BOM--C REATE BOM, BALLOON (16)8.6 更新记录.CHANGE RECORD(ECO N O., DRAWING REVISION) (17)9打印工程图 (PRINTING DRAWINGS) (17)10发布3D INSTANT WEBSITE: (18)第 1 页共 18 页 ...
Area Hatch/Fill) (16)8.4.6毛虫(Caterpillars)焊缝作为端点处理或毛虫符号 (16)8.5 建立BOM--C REATE BOM, BALLOON (16)8.6 更新记录.CHANGE RECORD(ECO N O., DRAWING REVISION) (17)9打印工程图 (PRINTING DRAWINGS) (17)10发布3D INSTANT WEBSITE: (18)第 1 页共 18 页 ...
Extrude - drawing out a sketch along a dimension, with the option of adding a taper Sweep - drawing out a sketch along another sketch, with the option of adding a twist Loft - a morphed shape between two or more closed profile sketches ...
The menu titles remain the same for all three types of documents: part, assembly, and drawing but the menu items change depending on which type of document is active. The display of the menu is also dependent on the work flow customization that you have select. The default menu items for...
If you open a drawing saved as draft quality in a previous release, it remains in this state in SolidWorks 2006. However, if you change the drawing view to high quality, you cannot change it back to draft quality. The exception to draft quality views is when the software detects very ...
Overridden Dimensions Gain more insight about which dimensions on a drawing are overridden, by showing overridden dimensions in a different color of your choice. Keeping Chain Dimensions Speed up detailing drawings by utilizing collinear dimensioning for chain dimensions, and avoid overcrowding of dimension...
of materials has always been there, but now you can easily see if someone has overridden or changed information. The BOM (Bill of Materials) cells will automatically highlight a different color to flag that something has changed. You can also restore old values or change the color if needed...
If you choose a size, the lead will attach to the dimension line. 119 on an engineering drawing, you can add a profile line to the surface of the model, or within a closed loop of the draft entity. 120 if you change the attachment point of a detail item, the style of the arrow ...